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Everything posted by Ribs76

  1. Well I dont have access to Post a new message but can reply, so thought Id share my poem: For all the Saints Sound the claxon, ring the bell someone at last has saved 'The Dell', our saviour is a business man a big Swiss cheese with a fading tan, today he will sign to say a few more mill, he'll throw away. Sound the claxon, ring the bell he'll deliver us from money hell, out of the ashes of the old a new club will burn bright and bold, we will do him very proud he will have no need to shroud his head, or think 'what a joke' we all say 'what a bloody good bloke'. Sound the claxon, ring the bell everybody - chant and yell, 'come on you Saints, get doing good' score some goals and then we'll see how pleased our Liebherr will be!
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