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Everything posted by Jonnoquick

  1. Slightly...! Just passing on what I'm told though. Will certainly know later on when/(if...!) the new player is a done deal before its announced.
  2. Apparently thrown a strop this morning and although he is at Staplewood, he isn't actually training. Source has said although in the past couple of days it looked as though he was 100% off, he is now fully expecting him to stay. Still expecting a late bid from Liverpool but unless it's well above what's anticipated, we wont be selling. New player is an attacker. No been told who, but apparently he will be "around the first team, high potential".
  3. I said "likely to be announced" as deal was agreed in principle at that point.
  4. What I’ve been told: - He’s as good as gone and unfortunately to Liverpool. Bid expected to come in today and understand that assuming it’s over £70m (which it will be), Saints will let him leave. - No CB replacement but we will bring in an attacker. No idea who it is. Source has been reliable all summer with transfers, although was incorrect about takeover timeline (told me it wasn’t close and then happened 3 weeks later!) so take it with a pinch of salt.
  5. Was just passing on what I had been told. The guy I know should know what he's talking about, although his reliability has been variable (he's told me about all of the incomings/outgoings before they've happened, shared the starting line ups for both games, but also said that he didn't think any takeover was imminent three weeks ago). He is adamant that Hoedt is done and that he will be announced soon.
  6. Hoedt done. Announcement likely tonight.
  7. Lemina will start today.
  8. Hoedt is as good as done. Expect 1 or 2 more.
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