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Bucks Saint

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Everything posted by Bucks Saint

  1. There is no requirement to notify shareholders. The company (SLH) has not yet been wound up. The formal notice of appointment of Fry is publicly available info at Companies House and at the Stock Market as it was listed, quite apart from the publicity in the media. His overriding duty is to get the best return for creditors and only if he does that to the extent that they get paid in full do shareholders become relevant again. From all the info about the Aviva mortgage debt etc there is no chance of this. If SLH goes into liquidation later shareholders will get notice then. Meantime Fry has to file annual accounts of his receipts and payments at Companies House if you want to find out more
  2. I am meeting him in two weeks so I will get a small chance to find out what he is really like
  3. Absolutely correct of course, although its a bit of a "your name" Wycombe is about 15 mins from me so I will getting a lift there and a cab back. There is one small food and drink outlet in the ground for the away fans. It does not sell beers and I have been there for a game in January, when the away end was sold out a week before the match, and it ran out of hot food and hot drinks before half time.....
  4. . Does NOT I mean. Doh
  5. Worst aspect of Morgan's game. I like him a lot but his shooting is woeful and that's probably why he does instinctively have a crack when he has a chance sometimes.
  6. I can't speak for where you were but it was plenty loud in my part of the stand. I was hoarse at half time.
  7. I have a spare Under 18 ticket (ex wife being a B**ch and not letting my boy come). I realise that one junior ticket on its own may not be much use, but if anyone wants it let me know. Face value (£13) fine Rich
  8. I have a spare Under 18 ticket (ex wife being a B**ch and not letting my boy come). I realise that one junior ticket on its own may not be much use, but if anyone wants it let me know. Face value (£13) fine Rich
  9. Unless your car is not important to you, dont park anywhere near the ground. Dont know where you are driving from so hard to suggest right place, but park somewhere a bit further away and get a tube or cab
  10. Waterloo and City line from Waterloo - one stop (only stop) at Bank, change to Central line, takes you to Leyton. Short walk from there. Can go Northern Line from Watertloo to Oxford Circus and change there but that takes longer. I am having beers around Liv St (one stop from Bank). Here endeth my London travel guide!
  11. Pretty much universally held view across all clubs for Franchise FC
  12. Other way around methinks - Orient should be worried about us. Not that we are in any way rough / have any trouble in mind. Just that our brilliant wit and banter might make them fall over with laughter.
  13. I agree with the point but personally dont care if they have jumped on the bandwagon, are dyed in the wool thick and thin long sufferers, brand new supporters who are clueless about away matches or people who just fancy that Leyton might be a nice part of the world to visit for a day. Welcome all!
  14. I agree, I decided I was going to go this one several weeks ago, but I think the "hype" is just a reflection of the feel good factor that is flowing by the bucket load right now, after so many doom-laded years. e.g. How many times have we won 3 matches consecutively, two away, by more than 1 goal?!
  15. got my 3 tickets - I will be in Londonium for 11am - bring it on, its going to be great day methinks......
  16. 0-2. Trotman again and some geezer called Adam Lallana. Get your money it
  17. Sensible commercial thinking which rewards the fans at the same time. Maybe not genius and maybe commonplace elsewhere, but who would have thought this a few months back... Well done again ML, NC
  18. oh, ok. sounds like my bucks fizz and pimms plan might be wrong then
  19. Got my 3 - bring it on, another ground off the list!
  20. OK all on OS now, good news. We will have 2500 if all sold, and another 500 if we want. 3000 of us and maybe 4000 of them - bring it on!
  21. no mention of this on OS still? I am going, need 3 tickets at least. Given their average attendance is something like 4.5k, and the ground holds 9k, we should be able to get as many as we want subject to stands / segregation
  22. Ok I am not sure how this thread turned into a debate on Christian fans atttitudes?! But seeing as it has, let me try to shed a fraction of light from my understanding here (not remotely as eloquent as St Jacko above of course). The regular mis quote from the Bible is that money is at the root of all evil. What the bible actually says is that THE LOVE OF money is at the root of all evil. There is nothing in the teaching of God that says the ability to earn money or generate money through a business etc is wrong - quite the opposite. Its about personal attitudes and behaviours, not quantum.
  23. I was in the Kingsland North as normal, but not in my normal seat. I ended up in the back row, near the corner. The atmosphere was as good as I can remember for at least a couple of seasons. Ok, so the banging by the yoof on the panels can annoy some, but it adds to the noise and helps to lead the singing so I am fine with it. What soured it (apart from the Millwall goal of course) was the stewards insisting that about 10 of us in the back row sit down. We were helping to create an atmosphere FFS. We were not blocking the view of anyone, obviously. And as usual the stewards ignored us pointing out the 800 Millwall, standing up throughout the match like all visiting fans do. Anyway I thought it was much better on Saturday and it can only improve if we get the results. Cheers
  24. As someone who personally is an IP, and has worked on many Administrations etc over more than 15 years, then I can only say that GM's post, and several others on here, are simply based on a blissful ignorance of what is actually involved in trying to rescure a business which is not only bust, but is very publicly bust. I am working on a similar job now, where a sale was expected some weeks ago, but for various reasons (all of which are related to purchasers "mucking about", seeking unreasonable last minute changes etc) it has yet to happen. This is frustrating and damaging and leads to challenges from creditors, staff, suppliers, customers. It is absolutely not in my interest to spin anything out / charge too much, or else I would struggle to work again. For BT, who have developed a reputation for dealing with footie clubs, this is even more the case. Creditors approve their fees and can challenge them in Court if need be. If Fry has done a poor job he will get paid less, and win less work in future, end of.
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