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Bucks Saint

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Everything posted by Bucks Saint

  1. you typed three lines of detail but still did not spot it. oh dear
  2. I already posted your last sentiment. I also said that most fans are ignoring this list of actions by the club. But that does not mean they are unaffected. If anyone intends to go to any games they cant avoid being affected.
  3. Lucky you in your ivory tower. But to say that these dont affect the average fan one jot is utter cr*p. Many affect me and I am pretty average (apart from having less than 3000 posts of course)
  4. Why does he need to say no one is leaving? There is no reason to, there is no suggestion that this is a risk ! (apart from on here). If he did, it would convince others that there is "no smoke without fire" and give them a reason to worry after all Might as well say we are not closing Staplewood.
  5. Spot on. No management team / chairman / board, even the most popular and forward thinking ones, ever pleases all of the people all of the time. But this list is getting longer, involves many things which are not even cost related and is worrying me. Most people seem to be ignoring this and when the team starts to play, and win, as they will, I imagine even fewer will notice. But that does not make it right
  6. Oh, you have not heard about the face recognition cameras NC has had installed then? (originally to stop any Daily Echo employees getting in)
  7. ideally a winger who can play up front as well. tough to find /if any good they are gold dust
  8. Any fan who is chilled because it is "only a Petition, not a Winding Order" [yet] needs a dose of the smelling salts. HMRC dont issue petitions unless they are (1) very hacked off and (2) have already tried, and failed, to get payment via various other methods and lots of communication with the Club. Its serious. Not the end, but serious nonetheless and even if you pay the current debt HMRC will be on your case for some time to come Hope you get out of it tartanowl
  9. expensive
  10. low turnout is certain and at least in part, this must be a reaction to ticket prices / car parking / crazy booking fees for the season ahead methinks. oh, and its Reading FFS
  11. Still nada from the club. hmmm. 16 days to go
  12. no need for one with our hands on, involved everywhere, credited with every signing chairman
  13. can he play right midfield?
  14. For Your Eyes Only?
  15. Mongs on there. Get over it FFS
  16. Breaking news. Still nothing on OS. Skacel signed quicker than this
  17. Where's our sponsor gone? (repeat)
  18. muppet.
  19. IMPORTANT UPDATE: still zilch re memberships (apart from J Saints of course)
  20. other clubs leaks are good enough for me if they beat the OS
  21. "So you knew we would sign such a good replacement, did you ?" I know you did not ask me, but FWIW, yes I did.
  22. Nothing to lose? Fleecing? Utter tosh. The club was totally SKINT and not in a position to pay staff wages or running costs. In order to keep trading (and so preserve any chance of ANY buyer completing a deal) we needed cash from somewhere. Where is there any evidence that Crouch was fleeced? Even he does not say so.
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