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Bucks Saint

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Everything posted by Bucks Saint

  1. Nice of you but not all that brave, I had my Arsenal gang with me for safety just in case you had an axe
  2. Lol
  3. Not trying to claim like oneupmanship or nuffink, but the while the first home swf drinks had only three members; the inaugural season opener at Arsenal had only two. Onwards ever since
  4. Blimey this particular drink up has more JCLs than our first season back in the big time under Nige. Should be good, its well overdue, but dont let that stop me bleating about it.
  5. IMO Les would not say what he did about Clyne if he was not very sure about getting him to sign. Throw in the pointed comment about the delay being down to the old (now dumped) agent and it would all sound very foolish if things could still go either way. In Les we trust
  6. Ekelund? Sneaked into 1995 i think
  7. Noted and duly forgotten. Think others got much worse UJ
  8. Agreed. Was there not a rumour that UEFA / Platini were going to look at the format of the Europa, apparently in recognition that they had managed to seriously devalue it (from its days as the UEFA cup and CWC)? The balance has swung way too much in favour of CL, hence why the winners of the last 5 years are the big powerful clubs they are
  9. Great Western gets my vote. Jonnyboy a maybe? That's a new one
  10. Ticket is yours as discussed, subject to upgrade fee only!
  11. Terrible story, poor mistreated youngster trying to earn a living and a big brand company worth a ton of cash This is why the Daily Mail still exists, it serves no other purpose but is very good when playing to its strength
  12. Not for me, sorry. There is plenty to fix of course, Cook out has to be next and there is more to get right over time, but its still vital to have a Team and KP is all about one person only.
  13. Just back. Obviously not the best cricket. Never had much expectation for Ireland in May though typically it was sunny today... But a cracking time with two good mates and we gave it a good go at drinking ourselves into hospital
  14. Having one of the EU's lowest corporate tax regimes, which attracts plenty of low tax paying mega corporations, has played a part
  15. Or translated for some Mirror readers: Labour loved the sunny holidays but forgot to save for the rainy days. And then it ****ed it down for ages.
  16. Not my most sensible decision ever (but it is mainly about catching up with distant mates, as usual) - am off to Dublin soon to take in tomorrow's match. Our team is virtually a development squad, with numerous opportunities up for grabs -v- an ever improving Ireland. Throw in the weather and it should be more interesting than any of the WC matches.
  17. Dont be ridiculous. I run a child labour camp
  18. Good for what, can you clarify please? Standard stuff gets some stains out, so works for me
  19. Agreed. I am now out, sorry. Proper season ending celebration of triumph instead?!
  20. I may be struggling. New job has mental hours and I am waiting to find out whether an evening meeting is taking place or not. Through in the fact that I have to be up at 5am on Thurs and its all gone to ****.
  21. With you on this. There are lots of reasons why road cycling does not appeal to me, but for those who do it as part of a regular commute in a major city, well, hats off to them. That said, while mountain biking has hardly any (though not zero) fatalities, I saw the latest "got smashed up because I misjudged it by a fraction" vcitim on Sat. Guy hit a tree at about 30 mph and broke his arm, collar bone and a few ribs. Ah the pursuit of fun...
  22. Another convert, brilliant! Did my zillionith ride on Sat, but was ultra careful as I was on a new bike.... Did Brecon Beacons last year and have Afan on my radar this summer, so look forward to hearing all about Marin over our next beer!
  23. Daily Echo in news shock! Have not seen this latest quote etc, so thanks. What it means, IMO, is not much though
  24. Wondered where you had been, good to see you may be back soon
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