Best Prem finish and points total, despite losing manager, coaches, and a heap of players not enough for you? Some of the above are loans. Name a manager where every signing is great.
Roy trying (and succeeding?) to distract attention from that shaky defensive performance. Even Henderson improved the RB position when he moved there, says everything about how bad it was before
So you think we are genuinely after him as a £15m front man, but we will risk losing him to other teams, because we have a cashflow crisis that requires MS to be sold first? Ok then
Now reported on BBC gossip:
QPR striker Charlie Austin has been linked with a move to Newcastle but he does not appear to be too impressed. He tweeted "Honestly where do people get this stuff from" before quickly deleting it.
Quick reminder of Forum protocols for you: every single thing posted is an opinon, unless it is a fact. The latter should have some supporting evidence to accompany it, but is always easy to spot because it includes the word FACT.