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Everything posted by twopintsnilnil

  1. Can't spell "rational". Are you Jackson in disguise?
  2. The overhead kick that was MOTD goal of the season? I could never quite understand that one - like all bicycle kicks it was a bit hit and hope, although full marks for improvisation. Although IMHO it perhaps wasn't Danny's best goal (if I remember he scored a rare far post header in the same game at the Milton Road end), the build-up included what was probably the best pass I ever saw at the Dell, when Frank Worthington pinged it diagonally from the right back position into the path of Mark Dennis, who at the time was almost as exciting as anyone to watch play in his overlapping full back role. Mark took two swings to get it onto the far post head of Mark Wright who headed back for Danny's finish. It wasn't so much his goal scoring that I remember him for, it was the feeling of exhilaration you got when he had the ball at his feet and he was cutting in from the wing - you knew that there was at least a 50% chance that a goal would result somehow.
  3. Are you serious?
  4. In our current position why would consortium B be a bad thing? As much as we'd like to see owners with a love of the club in charge, if the main driver for an owner is to turn a profit then that would mean raising the value of the club, and ultimately that can only be achieved through success on the pitch. That success may only need to be moderate - survival and mid-table establishment will do for a start - and then they may decide to cash in. At that point Consortium A perhaps starts to look more attractive. As much as I blame him for the current situation, Lowe's understanding that the club would only ever progress with a big injection of business acumen was correct - it's just that he couldn't provide or delegate the market knowledge and recruitment skills needed to appoint an appropriate manager after Strachan. B for 3-5 years, followed by an A for me.
  5. If you've clicked on this link, I suggest you now run your antivirus/adware/spyware programme of choice. It at least tries to install a trojan that will attempt to record your keystrokes. Whatever you do, don't go anywhere near your online bank account.....
  6. At last....I now know what the interweb's for. Genius.
  7. The Lambretta used in the film belonged to a lad from Highcliffe (name witheld) who was at Brockenhurst College in the year above me ('76 - what a year!). He had it all tricked out with the mirrors, chrome and whatever, and would often ride it to college. He sold it to the film makers for a small fortune - probably about £50 - which he then spent on fags and Faust at the Rose and Crown. I'm pretty sure they dolled it up even more before writing it off during the course of the film.
  8. Still going with the scarf and halo thing I see. Personally I've always thought our badge is pretty uninspiring and lacking gravitas. Woolly knitted scarves and pentagon-panel footballs seem to root it very firmly in the 60s and 70s, and if you've ever had to explain the halo to anyone who doesn't know anything about football, it sounds so literal it's comical. That said, I'm very fond of it (in an embarassing relative kind of way) - I just wish the club would get it redesigned with a little more class.
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