The overhead kick that was MOTD goal of the season? I could never quite understand that one - like all bicycle kicks it was a bit hit and hope, although full marks for improvisation. Although IMHO it perhaps wasn't Danny's best goal (if I remember he scored a rare far post header in the same game at the Milton Road end), the build-up included what was probably the best pass I ever saw at the Dell, when Frank Worthington pinged it diagonally from the right back position into the path of Mark Dennis, who at the time was almost as exciting as anyone to watch play in his overlapping full back role. Mark took two swings to get it onto the far post head of Mark Wright who headed back for Danny's finish.
It wasn't so much his goal scoring that I remember him for, it was the feeling of exhilaration you got when he had the ball at his feet and he was cutting in from the wing - you knew that there was at least a 50% chance that a goal would result somehow.