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Everything posted by twopintsnilnil

  1. I was there, and I can assure you that there was absolutely no singing of anything at all at any time. The bloke behind me did spend most of the second half dictating a report to his PA over the phone though. Don't get that at SMS. Good game and great fun. If you can pick up tickets for anything, it's a fantastic experience. If you've got tickets for an event at the stadium, I'm very jealous! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Be good to know what you already tried. You dealt with all the 802.1x stuff I guess? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  3. "At least we got there". Summed up in that one phrase are the hopes and fears of a 12-year-old boy who already has a maturity of insight that will serve him well in both supporting Saints, and let's face it, life in general. Also, an obvious motto for the new club crest: certe illuc. Cushion three is a poor attempt to hijack the competition, and I suggest that there was never any intention for either an F or a C. That is clearly a snail. Or quite possibly a slug.
  4. Millwall last season. Tucked away in the far corner of the upper main stand. Celebrated all three goals and was told to "show some respect". "You wouldn't do that at Pompey". "No, you're right mate I wouldn't, but this is Millwall." Didn't go down too well, and probably only got out without a slap because I had the lad with me.. Just couldn't help myself.
  5. Wikipedia: "Benítez failed to find the net during the 2011–12 season, starting in 26 of his 30 league appearances." Oops.
  6. While I have no idea to what extent Adkins and Cortese get on personally, I've always thought it pretty unlikely that Adkins is in Cortese's plans long-term. I think Cortese appointed Adkins to a do a job - to get to the PL - and he's exceeded expectations by some way. I don't think he sees him as the manager of a top PL club challenging for a European place. Our success over the last couple of years has been largely due to the chairman having a plan (and financial backing of course) and concentrating on delivering on that plan. Adkin's time may well already be over in Cortese's mind - I don't think he sees him as a manager who has the experience to spend the sort of money that is about to come our way from either the PL or the Liebherr inheritance and if things don't go well in the PL I think we can expect a change sooner rather than later. I don't think Cortese is after a big name - he's far too pragmatic to fall into that trap. We may well end up with one of course, but I think his aim will be someone with top half PL and European experience. Also, I think Adkins knows this; for me his comment about wanting a crack at the premier league was the most telling, because I think he knows that is the best he can hope for. Cortese has a focus that seems unlikely to be diverted by sentiment, which if all goes to plan may take us to places we'd never dare dream of. I'd hate to work for him though.
  7. So. That's 1-1. At home to Hull. Go guys.
  8. Brilliant picture of Menotti on that soccer school site. Presumably there for smoking encouragement.
  9. OK...but my point is that these foreign stations are taking/buying their feeds from the major broadcasters. When was the last time justin.tv had an OB crew with multiple cameras and production team at SMS?
  10. Thanks Marc So who covered that then? It's got to be a major broadcaster surely - who else would send an OB unit? Or was it just a radio stream?
  11. I'd be grateful if someone could confirm or otherwise: In order for there to be an internet stream of a game, it's going to have to be covered by either Sky, ESPN, BBC or ITV. Our streaming friends then either nick it straight from one of those or from a foreign broadcaster who has paid one of the above. If it's not legit on one of these, then there is no way Justin or one of his mates is going to send their own crew. So surely, you can tell if there's going to be a stream by looking in your standard off-the-shelf TV guide of choice? If this is the case, why do so many people ask for streams of games that clearly aren't going to have any? This is a genuine question; I'm worried in case I'm missing a trick here. Cheers.
  12. If only he were in the squad. Good luck to him, he did a job for us, no more no less.
  13. Ad placement clearly does work and generates millions of pounds of business for both ad companies and advertisers. I suspect you have been advertised to about new cars because advertisers usually think a little more laterally than simply telling you about stuff you already have. They want to interest you in buying MORE stuff, not just DIFFERENT stuff, and as you obviously use cars, maybe you should think about buying one instead of renting..... Of course most ads don't result in a purchase and many are irrelevant, just like every other form of advertising, it's hardly an exact science after all. However targeted advertising really does up the hit rate considerably.
  14. Advertising on almost all sites is not placed there by the site owners. In short they use an internet advertising company to populate the ads on the site based on the cookies saved under your user name on your computer. If you and the wife/g/daughter use the same login then expect to get a pretty good clue as to what they've been looking at based on the ads that pop up on both SFC and most other sites with ads.
  15. In 1895, Rickie Lambert's great grandfather co-founded a tobacco importers and cigarette manufacturers in Liverpool.
  16. Are you serious? http://tinyurl.com/3t4w9l4
  17. To be fair, If Saints Player uses Flash, then it uses pretty common de facto standard software. If anything is "retarded" then it's Apple for not building in Flash capability to their devices, for which it's often criticised.
  18. I always wanted Adams to be a success after doing so well for us, and at one time would have loved to have him back as manager. Sadly have to agree with Legod though....
  19. If you're going to compare Howe to this particular Thunderbirds puppet, then his nickname will have to be Eddie John Tracey Howe. Because of his maturity and well-developed sense of duty, Scott was allocated the Thunderbird 1 slot, but John's mental stability made him the ideal candidate for Thunderbird 5. Carry on.
  20. Born in Brockenhurst, lived in Sway and New Milton. Moved to London in '83. Fiddled the dole to have enough to make it to The Dell for every home game in 83/84. Love Mark Dennis, love Mark Wright, love Steve Moran, love Dave Armstrong, love Glenn Cockerill. Season ticket for 15 years. Brought my son up to be a proud Saint in south London surrounded by Chelsea and Arsenal. He was the Saints mascot at QPR in in '07 and I cried like a baby. Love Adam, love Rickie, love Kelvin. Sorry....what's the issue? Keep the faith.
  21. Anyone else just lost the BBC Leeds commentary (which wasn't bad)? Don't suppose there's an alternative anywhere?
  22. No new snow in south London, but it is incredibly cold. I'm amazed they've been able to get all the frost out of the pitch given that it's barely got above freezing for 2 weeks. Good luck everyone!
  23. It was a collision with Calderon. Calderon was wearing studs. End of. Get well soon Adam.
  24. If I remember, I was only charged a booking fee if I paid by credit card. If I used a debit card, there was no charge. Is this still the case?
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