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NN2 Saint

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  1. C'mon my former home town tonight
  2. I can't really think of a worse display than that since the Liebherr's took over the club. I don't think the management are to blame as much as some others, I just think it was a **** poor display by a lot of players who are far better than there counterparts at Sunderland and just decided not to show up. Really gutting as we did have a great chance in the competition this year. The amount of times we have played Sunderland since promotion and still yet to beat them is shocking
  3. I believe it can Derry where I sit/stand in Block 41 when there's a massive away following such as Man Utd/ Chelsea in the cup previously my seat is the one which is right next to where the divide is for away fans. Was quality when Chaplow put us ahead against Utd whilst still in league 1. IIRC there was some barrier dividing the fans in the concourse which was obviously temporary
  4. Are we gonna have to start signing players from Switzerland now on the latest update? Eder Alvarez Balanta is an absolute beast on my latest save playing alongside Dejan. Has anyone tried the game with Coventry yet? Seems like their whole situation could be an interesting game
  5. Very rarely post on here but this reminds me of one bloke who's at the back of block 41 and everytime the opposition get a corner or free kick close to the box he shouts.. 'Away Saints Away'. It's annoying but we now know it's coming everytime they get a set-piece so you learn to live with it.
  6. Haha yea I know how it sounds but baby size ranges are ridiculous so 12-18 was the one we were going for
  7. Queued for 2 hours to get my 5 month old son a kit which I personally do not like as he got money for it for his christening for it to be told they did not have any 12-18 month sizes in and were not sure when they would be getting them there was a sunday wasted felt like a tool most of time in queue but the missus was adamant that we stayed in it
  8. Wigan and Arsenal for me not overly fussed about any of the rest and i'm sure the bank balance will take a hammering next season. Will be interesting going to games thinking a point will be a good result but different to last few years
  9. The angels showing the saints game 2 pound fosters 2.50 for strongbow and carling the rest under 3 quid
  10. There was no response to that just a load of coins coming down but that song at full time really seemed to set the skates in the 'top tier' off. I thought the atmosphere was cracking was stood right behind where the flare/smoke bomb whatever it was went off. The Sha-La-La song by us was perfect will be even better in April when they are staring relegation in the face
  11. I hope so as that is where we are heading
  12. Feel much the same as the other comments on this thread i'm 24 and cannot wait til Sunday
  13. 7 of us on bus 5 from St Marys
  14. One of ours had the incorrect name put on the application ticket office error tho. We are on bus 5 from St Marys now just gotta make sure we can find somewhere open in town for breakfast and a few beers before the trip
  15. I find the fact that they havent sold out for the derby less amusing than the fact on their official website they are advertising Thai Love Links
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