Having watched the game back on TV, your observations about the noise is clearly bias and inaccurate. The TV coverage showed that both sets of fans made themselves heard and the atmosphere came across incredibly well, I think. The 62nd minute tribute to Liebherr was nice to see again, but the response from Man Utd fans wasn't.
What I found most upsetting is that football still very much has a hooligan element and sadly, what I saw yesterday is that the absolute majority of the disgusting nonsense came from Man Utd fans. Maybe I just haven't been to enough games and that this isn't news to people, but it was to me.
Some examples:
- Exiting the tube station, I saw a Man Utd fan chant some very hateful things towards an Irish Saints fan - the Police had to get involved.
- Close to the stadium, on Wembley Hill Road, a group of Man Utd fans started throwing projectiles into the walking crowd of fans (pint glasses, full cans of beer, jugs, mugs, etc.) - the Police had to get involved.
- Absolute bellendery on the tube platform after the game - again, from Man Utd fans.
Now, I'm sure some Saints fans were awful too, but what I saw suggests that they were in the absolute minority.
I for one kept fairly quiet outside the stadium - the above examples are why!
Yes, I agree that the best team won (just about), but my god, show some class! The fact that you ripped into a touching tribute says an awful lot to me about Man Utd fans - I have lost some respect for you guys.