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About mightysaints

  • Birthday 25/03/1966

mightysaints's Achievements

  1. I never had a new password were do i get the kodi add on update from, been looking around and cant find anything Sent from my P00A using Tapatalk
  2. Is your sportsmania working, tried tonight and none of the football streams are working Sent from my P00A using Tapatalk
  3. My sportsmanis not working, none of the chanels working, is yours working Sent from my P00A using Tapatalk
  4. Got SM working thanks, am i right only the matchday working
  5. No i have not done that, not verygood withthese things, i use kodi via amazon tv stick, where or how do i upgrade the repo
  6. Paid Sportsmania £10 this morning to renew the acount, the kodi app showing todays games but nothing working , i have the VPN on. Now using The Shizz site via kodi , paid a tenner and its working well, watching the Newcastle game and it doesnt need the VPN. Always liked SM but i think its dead now, twitter account down as well
  7. We are fecked, manager is out of his depth. Les reed getting a manager on the cheep yet again
  8. Thanks for all the info, very useful
  9. mightysaints


    Thinking of taking the other half to Rome for a 4 night break in Sept, can anyone recommend a hotel not to far away from the main attractions. BA doing good deals but all the hotels seem a long way out of the city. Any advice on Rome would be handy
  10. Bring back interment, all of them, wifes, familys, sons daughters the fecking lot of them. Sent from my P00A using Tapatalk
  11. Puel is up there with Brandfoot
  12. Just don't get ill on the IOW. St Marys hospital has a terrible record and that's coming from a senior Nurse I know. My partner is a Pharmacist and the waste she has to deal with is huge when it comes to NHS drugs. The NHS should charge everyone for a prescription then see what happens. She even sees scripts for nit combs and sun cream. Why the hell are we paying for these. The whole system is abused, its gets enough money but is mismanaged and there are no repercussions for senior managers as its all a closed shop. I bet we are paying various rates for basic hospital commodities like rubber gloves. Why cant any government sort this out, its not difficult to have a central framework procurement contract, that way you will get better prices
  13. Puel out for me
  14. Loved to be proved wrong by Puel, away from home he generally gets it right, its our home tactics that bore the hell out of me. Happy to eat humble pie.how bad were Sunderland,no fight. You can only beat whats in front of you Sent from my P00A using Tapatalk
  15. Humble plum bitterne,great beers and food.always have 6 nations on Sent from my P00A using Tapatalk
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