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Behind Enemy Lines

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Everything posted by Behind Enemy Lines

  1. Hence the 😂 emoji at the end 🤦‍♂️
  2. I wonder who has scored the most direct free kicks in the Championship, and if he stayed with us and we played attacking football, could JWP realistically beat that record in a season? Then if we are promoted, he’s surely then going to beat Beckhams in the Premier League 🤔 Might be his way of thinking 😂
  3. After what I thought was a slowish start, Elton really grew into it and produced a fantastic, heartwarming performance. I was also happy to see the Teskey Brothers perform earlier on. New to their music but really enjoy listening to them.
  4. It is frustrating I agree and would be great if it was done quicker. But I’m guessing they’d need to decide what fixtures they want, then wait for confirmation from the clubs and the police etc that it is feasible to be moved to a Friday, or any day other than a scheduled match day. Then if one team can’t fulfil that, onto the next chosen game and wait for their responses?
  5. We need someone who’s really good off the ball. There’s a gaping hole in the squad for that.
  6. We’ve got Martin, Russell Martin, I just don’t think you understand. He’s gunna take us up, And win the FA Cup, We've got Martin Russell Clap clap clap clap…..
  7. No goals yet. Not even an attempt on target. Martin out.
  8. The best off the ball of anyone. Therefore, the world is his oyster now he has the choice. Off the ball roles include, solving the climate crisis, brain surgery, curing all known diseases…
  9. Head of Research? Does he know we didn’t invent dugouts, second tiers and floodlights? His career is going in reverse!
  10. 1026 here and nothing.
  11. Going by how he’s been playing the last few weeks/months, I’d bet KWP already had a deal lined up should we be relegated. It would explain his performances. Why try hard, when, if your team is relegated, you get a pay rise and stay in the top division?!
  12. Row Z? Good chance of getting the match ball if Armstrong manages to get a shot off.
  13. A few years too late now!
  14. Looks better already 😂
  15. My grandad played as a goalkeeper for them!
  16. More chance of Everest walking on the moon, hopping on the planets towards to, and then walking on the sun, than us staying up sadly.
  17. Second half will be 0-0. Half time they’ll bring on the *kit man, a couple of youth players and any players returning from injuries. We’ll comfortably pass it around in our half, not once getting over the halfway line. Selles will say the second half showing gives promise for the remaining games as he’s not worried about the league table now after that gutsy and commanding second half. *The kit man is on to distribute tracksuits to keep the players warm and prevent muscle injuries.
  18. Best - Le Tis Worst - Carrillo Worst ‘signing’ overall -Nathan Jones
  19. He couldn’t hit a cows arse with a banj….. …oh! 1-1. COYS!
  20. I’m returning to Southampton soon so I’ll need a new name. Ready to listen to offers for good ones.
  21. I never, ever learnt if it was Font, Fontie, Fontay, Useless Effin 🤬 (when we lost), all the time he was here.
  22. With or without chilli sauce?
  23. I’m going through a separation, I can’t afford the extortionate prices on here! 😂
  24. It was a nice bit of drift to the thread; I enjoyed it as it’s not a part of Southampton I’ve really been to. As my name suggests, I have moved away, but, very soon will be moving back due to a separation. Will have to change my name on here if I can! Looking at the Town Quay area so interested in the pubs and history there.
  25. Front footed, aggressive. God willing, we can build on this.
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