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Behind Enemy Lines

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Everything posted by Behind Enemy Lines

  1. I think I know the man for this!
  2. Are there any non-European nations that can destroy us in the knockout stages? 😂
  3. Should be good on waterlogged pitches.
  4. I didn’t. But, I did spot hundreds of Saints fans in the stadium for the Denmark game 😂
  5. The box to sofa midfielder we’ve been crying out for.
  6. Now that’s taking fence sitting to the Premier League level!
  7. Ahhh, I know the one you mean. I can picture him. His name is….. ahh, it’s on the tip of my tongue 😜
  8. Wow, what a day. Second time I’ve seen us lift a trophy at Wembley. Such an amazing atmosphere. Was so glad and proud to have been there. The smoke from the flares got to my eyes at the final whistle 😂 To all the Leeds fans I met yesterday, you are a credit to your team and city. Good luck next year. Still buzzing. Saints FC, you ALL did us proud today. I also think we’ve found a new song for when we score at home!
  9. Someone blaring out ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ 😂
  10. To me, it’s about being with my mates and fans getting to London, pre-match in London, being in the stadium for the atmosphere, in London after the game, train with mates and fans back to Southampton, more than about being up close to the pitch. But thanks for the advice.
  11. Block 545 for me. Took around an hour then was able to select a seat. All high up on offer. Might be tempted on the day to get to the stadium just before kick-off and get a better ticket at less than face value if I see one on offer, but glad I have the security of knowing I’ve got one anyway. Subject to it being delivered on time!
  12. You want a stadium expansion that much?! 😂
  13. Got a feeling we’ll lose this 1-0. Hope I’m wrong.
  14. Or too much practice and the other team knew about it?
  15. How do you get back to back relegation if you’ve just been promoted and getting an average shot stopper will stop you being relegated? 😂
  16. Or, The Premiership, like some do on here.
  17. From a fellow Saints fan and aviator, it’s very sad news to hear. Have studied THAT flight in depth and only recently completed a recurrent Volcanic Ash course. My deepest condolence’s to all family and friends. RIP.
  18. Was excellent when he came on yesterday. All around me in the stadium were saying so. Great to see.
  19. What is this ‘Premiership’ some talk about on here? Why wouldn’t we go to the Premier League like everyone else who gets promoted from this league? ***MLG pedant mode off*** Maybe I should have posted this in The Lounge, in the Little Things That Annoy You thread 😂
  20. It wasn’t this morning! 😂
  21. How good was the one that got away?
  22. Ok, I’ll bite. My WHOLE post was about people discussing the result of Leeds vs Leicester. You have picked up and decided to quote one line. Please tell me where I have intimated that I said anyone has said they don’t want Saints to win every game? You have quoted out of context. Don’t know why, but each to their own.
  23. Hopefully I’ll be coming back here at the end of the season 😂 Why people on here (presumably mostly grown adults), who supposedly support the same team, can’t have a decent conversation and debate without the back and forth passive aggression with their comments makes me laugh. My opinion, FWIW, is I want to believe that as long as it’s mathematically possible, I want to win the league. That’s what playing and supporting sport is about in my opinion. To want to, and believe you can, win every match. I respect those that want a Leicester win to make second place more mathematically possible, but I can’t be like that.
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