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Behind Enemy Lines

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Everything posted by Behind Enemy Lines

  1. Just watch the second half. That should do it.
  2. It’s the note at the bottom that annoys me more! As if it needs to be said the objects aren’t to scale!
  3. You better not go in the Lounge 😂 (Small things that annoy me)
  4. The same people that will say Marks and Spencer’s. Twats.
  5. We get to see him on the grass in two weeks.
  6. Aaron Ramsdale!!!!! Welcome aboard!!!!
  7. Striker sorted, welcome Robbie Fowler!
  8. If I could chose a band from that era to reform, it would be The Shirehorses! 😂
  9. ‘Close to a having a full clean bill of health’. Does that mean Bazunu is close?! 😂 Two weeks away?
  10. Not at the moment. Citation Latitude and XL series.
  11. Just popping outside for my coffee break. Shit, forgot I work at 45,000 feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! 💀
  12. For gods sake, can we stop with the Premiership. We aren’t in the Scottish league. We are Premier League. Well, for this year at least!
  13. These were all documented well in advance of this thread by the Ring of Trust.
  14. Will be like a new signing.
  15. A spoonful of Sugar, keeps the goal difference right down, The goal difference right down… Clap clap clap, we hate Pompey…
  16. It’s the Pompey fans in prison 😂
  17. I’m an Uber fan, I’ll pay that myself to help out with our FFP. On that note, why are SR not paying more than £70pw for players? SR out! 😂
  18. You star! Curry and all the wine on my mate next time we go for a ruby!
  19. Anyone seen a Saints flag in the stadium. Got a competition running with a mate, first to see one wins. Need your help!
  20. I know the feeling. I had an inkling it would be Portugal!
  21. That aged well! 😂
  22. He is, and would be playing at the home of his Scottish roots. But he’s not Premier League quality, we should let him go. MLG mode off 😂
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