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Behind Enemy Lines

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Everything posted by Behind Enemy Lines

  1. Well it’s 10pm. Past the Echo deadline. Anything?????!!!!
  2. Rule 1, before I answer that! 😂
  3. Does she normally spit then? You sound the same as me when I tested positive on Christmas Eve.
  4. Can we sub Ralph early please. Save him from giving him the half time talk, and being fresh for the pre match talk next game?
  5. Good to see our fans there at the end. Main word in the sentence there was fans. Supporting the team, even at 1-1 😂 Santa gave me covid for Christmas, but also three points. I’ll take that. Merry Christmas everyone!
  6. Got to love people here!
  7. Driving home for Christmas yesterday, after a week in the classroom and simulator, I developed a niggly cough. LFT showed a positive when I did one at home. Booked a PCR at the local drive through and went down. Just got my result back (less than 24 hours) and it’s positive. Merry Christmas everyone!
  8. *apologise 😂
  9. Got my booster last week. Felt fine. Phone signals improved too.
  10. Game over? Hahaha! JWP can’t take set pieces? Hahaha! Get a grip, man up and support the team till the end.
  11. Ok, I’ll bite, I have time to kill. Firstly, how do you know (a real fact from a trusted source please) that homeless haven’t died? Secondly, if they haven’t, probably, being homeless, they are outside all the time and not in close proximity with other people. When I see them, they are generally alone. To be outside and receive a high enough viral load is very unlikely as the science has been saying all along.
  12. We don’t score more than one do we 😂 Cheeelllleeeeee!!!!
  13. He did. My dad sold him carpets and went there to measure up. He was the manager of the carpet store and wouldn’t normally do that, but my brother made him go!
  14. That’s fantastic. Thanks for sharing MLG.
  15. It is! I had one as my first car. A white 1.1 Ghia. Blew the engine up on it! Luckily had my next car lined up already.
  16. Full time ref surely??!! 😂
  17. Very sad news. Far too young. RIP and thank you for the laughs you gave many.
  18. The rainbow one I believe. 🤪
  19. Shearer and Shilton. But wouldn’t cry if Niemi turned up instead.
  20. I didn’t say that was the reason to bring him back as I agree, appointing staff for just that reason is just wrong. But if he looks like a good coach, then that might be a factor for him to return here.
  21. He could still come back as a coach for us in a few years. He’ll probably have more allegiance to us than any other club. I would be happy to see him back.
  22. I think JWP could have made a difference last night. As a few have said, he’d do no worse in his position in open play than we saw last night. But, he can take corners that get past the first defender and free kicks that cause problems. Just my Saints rose tinted glasses opinion.
  23. You didn’t use the toilets there then?! 😂
  24. What about the moon landings? 👩‍🚀
  25. Very sad news. Remember thinking we were big to be signing a £1m player at the time! My thoughts to family, friends and colleagues that were close to him.
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