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  1. I dream of the day the big 6 will leave and start some sort of euroleague. Then we could have a new top division with a salary cap to actually make it a competition. If the Americans (NFL) can figure this out, why can't we?
  2. Has anyone suggested San as a nickname for the new manager? works on a couple of levels.
  3. I see, thank you Pamplemousse. I feel for management teams a bit, you have to push players, who then pack a sad and want to leave.
  4. Can someone let me know why some are anti Black? And for that matter, who would people like to see as assistant? (If it's not important, why the anti Black feeling, see what I mean?)
  5. There are two things that are causing frustration being a Saints fan. One is the clubs 'Way' or long term strategy - incremental improvements i.e. get established in the Prem, then get top 10 finishes regularly, then Europe regularly, then CL regularly etc. Part of this might be because we've achieved those first two relatively quickly, and expectation from us has risen. This means we have to put up with slow but sustainable growth, annoying in era where Man City and leicester achieve a lot seemingly quickly. The other is the secretive nature of out transfer activity. Again, we are victims of our own success. If the big clubs get a sniff of who we are after they are likely to go in with money we perhaps don't have. Even if they don't develop players like we do, strategically this still works as it weaken us, and we are a club gunning for them. I stress that I don't disagree with either of these policies as it seems to be working fine. But there is a lot of silence, and as ever, we are forced to put a lot of trust into Les et al. and solid things to get excited about in the summer are few and far between. But who else would you rather follow?
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