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Everything posted by Giordano

  1. " you won't see a better goal than that this season"....lol Thank you Saint clark for my oversight! I love it when commentator (maddeningly cant get his name - is it Motson? ) goes "Holmes, Armstrong, Keegan, Ball, Keegan, Armstrong, Baker, Keegan, Channon......"...all the time liverpool are chasing shadows....theres a bit of short passing, there's a long ball, there's a dribble, there's some one twos, there's a header, there's a wide ball, there's a cut inside, there's a half volley finish....there's a spin off blind pass, there's a lobbed header passs...jeez there's everything in the goal except may be a back heel! And in the background you can hear MC going something along the lines of " its quite a nice goal that was " or similar....lovely.
  2. The best goal we ever scored was Mick Channon versus Liverpool. 24th April 1982, almost exactly 28 years ago. I was there. It was a thing of beauty. Something you have to watch decades of average football just see once or twice live in front of your eyes. Younger Saints fans......look at the players, see the team sheet, watch the goal. THAT is our club. THAT is our football. THAT is part of our history. Its on Youtube...c/o Archersroad channel. Agghhhhhhhhhh.......lovely lovely....
  3. Steve moran epitomised work rate for me. I never saw a player do as much off the ball as him for saints. He defended so high up the pitch the oppos were always under pressure. He must have been phenomenally fit and had deceptive pace, certainly he was very quick thinking and reacting which made him the prolific goalscorer he was. Definately one of my all time top ten saints players. Young, enthusiastic, obviously loved the club, a pfa young player of the year ( when are we ever going to get one of those again?) helped us to our best ever league placing and played in a team of fellow legends previously mentioned here. For the younger fans on this forum just think a mixture of Owens finishing and Rooneys workrate ~ but with a saints shirt and younger - he was not in them two's class as they were (are) world class players to be fair, but for his time Steve Moran terrorised the best defenders in Division One ( now The Premier League) scoring regularly and never gave them a let up in the same way Rooney does today. Definately a Saints Great. ( not quite a Legend though....which diiferentiation is an idea for a thread- weve had so many "legend" threads that the "greats" thread would actually be more interesting to hear from posters with why.....lol)_
  4. I am rather irritated by the urban legend of the pompey faithful supporters. There away support in the pl is not all that and they dont fill their own ground even for critical sixpointers. I think we are more eligible for the faithful suporters title than they. It would be interesting to compare respective away support for them and us over the years......i think i know the outcome...what was it they had at anfield c.4 weeks ago when they were not in admin and could still survive ( with support from those faithful fans) ....450 was it? Pathetic. I was thinking something along those lines when i read Inter Milan only took 500 fans to moscow for the CL quarter final 2nd leg. 500? Can u imagine Southampton football club in the Champions League quarter finals second leg away anywhere and we are 1-0 from the first leg......5000? 10,000? But would they would let us have tickets.....
  5. Socks will be black and by Pringle. The shoes will be handmade full black broques by Sam Windsor.
  6. Burgundy velvet tuxedo by Paul Costelloe, original Premiership Saints players home shirt c. 2002 (Jelle Van Damme's shirt from a Sweden preseason), will try to find my cherished rosette ( remember those anyone???) from 1976 final to pin on the tuxedo, my saints scarf from the Cardiff final. Official Saints baseball cap, If its wet wet wet a matching red raincoat. Dark shoes. Hair gel by L'Oreal Gum. Teeth brushed by Colgate. My fragrance of the day will be Prada. Boxers by CK. Alcohol by the glass of NZ Sauvignon blanc. Chocolates by Ferrero Rocher, of course. Bottle of decent shampoo at home in fridge for when i gets home to share with GF. Train tickets by Southwest rail. Match ticket c/o Saintslist.
  7. Southampton Diplomats always have a box ready and waiting for distribution at such occasions so no worries on that score......I will attend in a burgundy velvet tuxedo and saints home shirt underneath due to the fact that its wembley and all that.
  8. Many thanks to my erstwhile colleagues on the Saints List......My ticket problem has now been resolved. Special thanks to Linda..yet another example of why the Saintslist exists and what a great resource/community it is for saints fans...if you are not a member please go visit the yahoo groups page and get involved... Thanks again Linda.
  9. Wilko- have sent you an email saying yes please! Which pub you visiting ahead off KO?
  10. Am short of a ticket. Totally my fault and no excuses. Please help if you can as i really do sing quite loud given the chance. Genuine Saints fan of over 37 years standing. Anywhere with Saints please. Email me on gorsini1@yahoo.co.uk. or PM, call or tweet me those old SF's who have my number.
  11. I have to thank you for your brilliant pithy comment......"he's only a c*nt if you are a Skate. He's a hero if you're a Saints fan." Oooh its giving me plenty of belly laughs...my thanks sir...made my day for sure!
  12. As a Southampton Diplomat i commend your diplomatic tact. On second thoughts leave the scarf in the office and just offer any crying PFC fan congratulations on the news that they are definately in the Championship next season or (maybe) having a little rest in the lower non-leagues for a decade or two... when alls said and done- 16,000 for a MUSTWIN GAME ..... a game 24 hours before court d-day......when they could all turn up to show how much support there is for pfc....and 1000 were sunderland too......the myth of the "great supporters" well and truly expired last night...................
  13. Hey lay off Crab Lungs...I played footie with him for SF and he's alright! Whoever he is.Lol.
  14. Interesting question because in a neat way it sums up what being a supporter is REALLY all about. A shareholder and rational person with football as his or her hobby would say - get to wembley, maybe win the cup, get money, get prestige. A supporter would say- beat the skates, beat the skates, beat the skates. Do the other thing if we can but beat the skates FIRST. No question at all. Id take beating PFC in the cup right now over beating MKD AND a play-off place if it was one from three. You dont know for certain when you will get a chance to beat them again but the sheer beautiful feeling i would get from us in League one beating them in the Premiership...the team that plays AC Milan, the team that has had £millions spent on it....that takes some doing....being 2 divisions below and beating them is just too sweet an opportunity ...its 8x at least as good as a derby league win when(if) we are playing them in the Championship...well it is for me anyway....I remember Morans goal like it was yesterday...Crouchs last minute penalty... our 2-0 league cup win..but i cant remember our defeats or league match scores.. "we beat you when we were in league one....how sh$t does that make you?" No pompey fan wanted this draw im sure. If thery win- its to be expected as a premiership club...but if they LOSE.....DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bragging rights forever i reckons....lol
  15. lol....no he certainly wont do that nasty thumbs down thing again the utter cad. We'll show him that kind of bounderish nonsense wont be tolerated again at sms. The utter impertinence of the man. Confound it, we are a family club as well. I've a good mind to write to my MP or worse, black ball him from my club. Having said that there was no need to take the P out of us being billy big club about it. Would love us, really love us, to smash his ipswich and let him have a big thumbs down from each saints player that scores a goal....just run to keane and give him thumbs down guys....would be a dream goal celebration and whoever did would get instant saints icon status... if they all get in the centre circle together with a big thumbs down better still.... lol...
  16. Keanes thumbs down when we went down, if true, is the biggest reason of all for turning his Ipswich team over on Saturday and we need no greater incentive as supporters to make SMS as hostile and noisy as possible for him and his team. Has anyone got a pic or directly witnessed the thumbs down gesture vis our relgation??
  17. Giordano

    Leyton Orient

    I remmber orient in the cup very well....jampacked we were, urine flowing down the terracing people couldnt mopve and noone knew where the bogs where anyway...started off loads of the old time songs too..."i carnt read" etc, lots of trouble and yes the rumour was some got stabbed, got bushwhacked by four guys on the bridge outside with my mate but gave good account of ourselves...was wearing my cut-off faded jean jacket with winged saints hells angel style on the back plus other saints "patches"..was like a walking target i guess but didnt give a toss those days following saints........if the atmosphere is half as good as that then this will be another memorable away day...
  18. thanks mate
  19. Does anyone know the quickest way to get the full list what prices "might" be for our travelling support at all the grounds we playing at this season? Or do i go to each individual website?
  20. clifford nelson i like the cut of your jib. i agree with what you said........ But on a slightly more bright side i think that the opportunity to totally reconstruct a team from scratch out of necessity rather than as vanity project is one that a manager with ambition would love to get hold of...... its quite possible that the entire squad willchange over the next 2 /3 years...one squad to get out this league, one changing squad to get out championship and another beefed up quality one to survive and thrive in the premiership....thats the challenge facing the RIGHT manager....is that just one manager though? Will the guy capable of getting us out of these leagues be able to cope in the premiership? It may be that we have more managerial turmoil ahead. ..........But if it was wgs i think the answer is yes he coud do all three, but i doubt he can be arsed tbh..
  21. Wotte is quoted as saying he will give John a run in a couple of these preseason friendlies to see if hes up to it aymore basically,,,if so id expect to see him playing today. I hope so anyway. He undoubtedly has been there and done it got the t shirt dvd and etc etc international goals plus of course the sheff utd performance. Did not fair well at bcfc las year but heres hoping he wants a contract and will put in some effort to get fit and earn one, starting today. If he smacks one in from 30yards, on the half volley, as he likes to try on occasion, it will be worth the £10 entrance fee. Incidentally under 12's are free so bring your kids....im bringing mine and they are excited about seeing saints again. I wonder what the atmos will be like...can imagine a lot of us texting to the forum/list and plenty of rumour mongering...oh, and some footie as well! please support the boys come what may...i cant imagine confidence can be sky high..
  22. I'm not bothered about the money. I've never resisted the principle of going into administration on personal financial terms, it would'nt occur to me to think that way... I have not got my club back. There must be more than a few small saints fan shareholders who bought the shares out of love, loyalty , committment or basically just felt it was the right thing to do. I would be surprised if many bought them as an "investment"". For those, but i speak only for myself, its not a question of now having our club back, we showed through the practical, physical expedient of buying the shares that we had an affinity with Saints, for me it was almost like a pledge of undying loyalty, more so than the temporary purchase of a ticket or season ticket. I just think that amidst all the vitriol over the directors and that, the implications of adminstration for little saints fans like me and other saints supporting shareholders are not good. To "rejoice" in that shows bad taste and rather crass insensitivity to the genuine saints loyal sentiments of us small shareholders.
  23. Got my letter advising me that my shares in Saints are in admin and i cannot sell them ( no sh+t sherlock). I dont care about the money ive lost ( they were worth near 4 figures once..) because i only bought them because i wanted to be involved for love of my club, but that aside, i dont think its funny for other Saints fans to rejoice and say its the best thing in the world and "we got our club back" because as far as i was concerned i was and am a supporter, i owned shares in the club - i already had "my club". Now someone else may turn up and he or they will probably own all of the club themselves- so NONE of us will have any of the club back....i probably sound selfish but i dont get how that is getting it back - its actually taking it away for me!!!!!!!! I am confident im not irrational - so i can only deduce that the comments rejoicing about our situation, supporting barclays etc are from people who dont care that normal saints supporters with shares like me are royally stuffed out of the situation so that probably some smooth talking shirt kissing investor can come in and takeover for diddly squat. Giordano.
  24. Not having posted on here for ages I am not up to speed with the lingo on this site but i do recall that it still is an open forum so...... Ive never considered self-immolation a satisfactory way of sorting out anything. Or, put another way, the only way to save ourselves is to kill ourselves approach......Some of you guys must like high risk games but i dont understand what you find so appealing about points deductions and relegation inflicted upon us through non-sporting means? We can get relegated under our own steam thank you very much but im damned if im going to be buying barclays staff a drink for doing so. It beggars belief you can think in that way. With or without Lowe nobody was putting hands in pockets for our club. They - All the names we know - are culpable in a long line to varying degrees - but to actively want the axe to fall---- death wish or what? Please resist the impulse to do a Nero and put pressure on the bank to rescind whatever conditions they have imposed seems practical and positive. I used to be a nihilist but i did not know so many saints fans still had that in them...
  25. Just boycott barclays. Ive already sent my email complaint to them and copied it below. We need to get barclays to back down - or pray. Send to : customer.relations@barclays.co.uk Dear Barclays, I am writing to complain in the strongest terms possible about the news regarding your overdraft facility withdrawal with Southampton football club that has triggered administration of the holding company and possibly bringing the club to the point of extinction. I will be encouraging all my family members and my 140 staff to to cancel their banking accounts and any commercial arrangements with Barclays Bank and will never consider any trade, domestic or business relations with you or your subsidiaries ever again as a consequence. I am also copying this to the Saints list which is a worldwide supporters web group in the hope that action is also undertaken internationally. I believe your action in this matter is an affront to the people of Southampton for whom the football club is and has been an essential part of the community. It is a decision that hits the very heart of a proud city in which you do business. I cannot understand how this badly judged PR implications decision can marry up with your long term goals to provide profitable banking and financial service to the Southampton city and community in which you work. The loss of our accounts will far outweigh the overdraft fees and profits you wish to receive so I ask you to reconsider your position on Southampton football club. Giordano Orsini. General Manager.
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