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Everything posted by Chez

  1. I didn't notice the winky thing and got well and truely snagged on that lovely juicy big fat piece of bait.
  2. I don't agree with that at all. I (and I imagine the club a well) doubt there are many (or indeed any) supporters going to 16 or more home league games a season paying £384+ rather than forking out £380 for a season ticket. If there are then they are pretty silly not to have made that simple calculation. If they are not going to 16+ games then they don't pay more than ST holders. I dare say there are some that will end up going to more than 16 games if Saints do particularly well, but unlike ST holders they can keep their money in their pocket if things go bad. ST holders pay whatever the weather, so why not reward them?
  3. when you say structured well do you mean priced well? In the end all that matters is whether or not the funds exist to pay the loan fee and the wages. I suspect the wages of Daily were £30k a week. That certainly isn't the kind of `structure' Lowe is going to support this season. If Rasiak, Skacel, Thomas, Safri and John leave then I think loans are an excellent way of improving the quality without the need for long term contracts,
  4. a decent move to prevent the huge long queues before these pay on the day games.
  5. At last ST holders are finally rewarded with something of real use. Year after year I renew and wonder why I bother and all we ever get is 10% off sod all. I seem to recall a year or so ago we were promised some sort of loyalty gift to thank us and it never materialised. This is a terrific gesture IMO. ST holders create the least amount of work for the ticket office over the course of the season (and therefore reduces their sales overheads costs) so its nice to see something come back our way for once. It is not discrimination against non ST holders it is rewarding those that are. Perhaps members could have been included as well, but I think this is a very good move. £10 or £8 price makes a mockery of the preseason prices IMO.
  6. we have no money + loans cost a shed load = no loans you do the maths.
  7. Folly couldn't lace Safri's boots
  8. I despise goal celebration music. 65% agree with me at this point.
  9. Exciting? Folly? Are non tackling defensive midfielders of any use these days then?
  10. I feel no malice towards them whatsoever. The turnaround from relegation threatened bankrupt club to play off finalist was remarkable and fair play to them for invading the pitch and celebrating in style despite the atrocious conditions. I had to stand there and suffer it like the 5000 other Saints and it was painful. On reflection though it was one of the best nights football I have ever witnessed despite the loss. I don;t think I have ever celebrated as much as when Rasiak scored...
  11. who are these sides and will they offer enough points for these youngsters to finish learning their trade in the CCC next season?
  12. relegated.
  13. Its not often we agree but I flagged up the exact same concern yesterday on a different thread. I don't recall reading anything about soreness during preseason and to be honest after months of training and 4 or 5 games I'd of thought any aches and pains associated with not playing for a long time would have started to ease?
  14. extremely concerned that Svensson says his knee is sore. He reported the same things after the Preston game and we didn't see hnim for two years...
  15. I should point out that I never wanted us to sign him even with his goals, before Jones left we had more than enough, once Jones had gone we needed pace and power not Saga. Wrong perhaps, but certainly consistent.
  16. I fully agree with letting him go, but I certainly don't think that what's left behind will see us clear.
  17. I agree about chucking a load of kids in and expectign miracles, but your point about Bury is so off the mark it is not true. They took us to the cleaners. We were an embaressment and they were unlucky not to win at a canter. It was pure luck that we won that game.
  18. never felt more pessamistic about the season ahead.
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