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dronskisaint01's Achievements

  1. All over the world...beautiful girl, beautiful voice, beautiful songs, we lived in a blessed generation ...
  2. A chance to do both - suffice to say I would not have gone near a Reform meeting without the Southampton connection so, on balance I'd say that you're as wrong on that as you, consistently, are on Brexit.....
  3. I thought that was what I was exercising....? Not done to self-aggrandise, merely to share how good it felt so many years after the 'Lowe out' demonstrations and the singing of the songs...and, I guess, to recommend how good it felt.
  4. I read in our local media that Lowe was the Reform candidate for Great Yarmouth...not my constituency but close and was holding a public meeting at a pub about 20 minutes away. I have often wondered how it would feel to get the chance to tell him how I feel and, at my age I'm not going to get too many chances so I went along and as I entered he was walking towards me in that vile, yellow check jacket so I addressed him by name and he turned, no doubt thinking and asking if I was a supporter....I knew I'd not get much of a chance before the knuckle draggers would surround me so I asked what he was doing so far from his home. I asked, as loudly as I could without being too aggressive what, as a failed businessman and bringer of all things that Brexit has brought to the UK, he thought he could bring to a area that was already suffering. His henchmen gathered around and suggested that we talk outside...I said I was happy to but felt that the assembled pub crowd should know what sort of person they were putting up as a candidate. I was asked if I believed in democracy - I said that was what I thought I was practicing by being there? The landlord then came and started shouldering me towards the door - been a few decades since I was evicted from a pub - and I went on my way. In real terms it was all pretty futile but I can't tell you how good it felt to get off my chest all those things that I usually feel when singing 'Swing Lowe'...and can recommend the experience tp anyone who sees him and gets the chance to speak - it's a therapeutic and cleansing few minutes worth!
  5. Pleased for you - I'll look you up in the future, I live 200 miles away.
  6. I'm happy to say that, in my eyes, he was the most gifted player we've ever had, I don't agree with his take on some things but I'd far rather spend time with him than a miserable c*ck like you....and your assertation that 'more people' think that way of him is as un-researched and as lacking in credibility as you obviously think he is. I'm glad the chap is promoting his business (I won't be close enough to attend, sadly) through someone whose ability and dedication to Southampton Football Club has enhanced my life experience....you seem to have an agenda that's not compatible with a long-standing Saints supporting stance so I judge you accordingly - off you go - M27 and head East until it starts to smell!
  7. This - I'd been sat in traffic leading up to the Itchen Bridge and had already been more delayed than normal when police motor bikes came past, shut all the entrances and exits to the bridge with their poncey whistles and gestures to let at least 3 blacked out vehicles, a van and more motor bikes go past at speed. I suspect I was one of the large number of people who loudly expressed their opinion, both political and anger at the waste of time and money involved. Now - personally I'm embarrassed by the fact that he declares his support for us but no more than I am by some of the other fascistic, xenophobic and racist supporters around the stadium but I do object to the fact that he uses us as an 'don't I have the common touch' media vehicle and then used taxpayers money and police resources to rub in how utterly far from the truth that is. I despise his politics, he's not been elected by anyone other than a few blue-rinses and I applaud that our manager has the guts not to be sycophantic about his presence...and his honesty in answering as he did.
  8. Outside the ground... anyone knows anyone with a spare at the ground I have cash ...please nicely 07771 912774 Sent from my WAS-LX1A using Tapatalk
  9. Hi, no text received and still very much looking... could you please have another go.. I would be very grateful, thanks Sent from my WAS-LX1A using Tapatalk
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