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Big Dick Last

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Everything posted by Big Dick Last

  1. Was told yesterday that Hammond has just paid cash for a new Audi R8. Alright for some!
  2. Some of my mates are out in Switzerland and have been speaking to the players. It appears that they have lost their complimentary tickets for games this season and have to pay to park in the stadium car park !! I did not realise we were that hard up. if this club is going to be that obsessed with making money who knows what it will cost to watch games when we get to the premiership !
  3. The team may be going to Switzerland but it may only be a training camp with no games against local opposition. Why are we not being told anything. A lot of people are hoping this will be their summer holiday. Saints are becoming a secret society.
  4. Is it not a bit unusual that existing season ticket holders have not received in the post any renewal information ? I know the majority of people have internet access and a lot of people read the Daily Echo but should we not ALL be informed ? Perhaps we cannot afford to print a document or the postage for 14K customers ! Is NC treating us any differently than RL used to ?
  5. Oh Fonte whoah Oh Fonte whoah He comes from Portugal He's over 6 foot tall Oh Fonte whoah I will get my coat
  6. I doubt any of the paint pot games will be on sky as it is Carling cup semi-final week.
  7. Happy days stood on the rock. Even better when we got in for nothing!
  8. Leeds are one of the better teams in this sh*te league and Prutton has not managed to play on a regular basis for any of their recent managers. He had a chance to shine with Forest when they were in this league but got himself sent off with a reckless challenge in the play-off semi and Forest went on to lose that game. Calderwood soon got rid of him. I was pleased when he first came to us but soon realied he was not up to it. Too few good moments playing for us.
  9. God no. He is a liability. Too much of a loose cannon. He cannot even get into the Leeds side on a regular basis. Not the sort of player we need at this club.
  10. Cheers Mike. It would not have taken much for the Saints site to explain it a lot better!
  11. As the Chapel is now the ' family enclosure ' will you have to have a child with you to sit in this stand ? Can you renew your Chapel seats and sit in your existing seats ? Not very clear on the official site.
  12. When is this club ever going to learn. These bunch of idle waster's got us relegated to Div 1. If it was not for Kelvin we would have been relegated by Xmas. We need a fresh start with a new squad and a new manager. Lets have a team we can be proud of and not a team that comes up short week in week out.
  13. I will be renewing 2 tickets but I do not expect very low prices. If you check out the AFC Wimbledon site their tickets are : £300 in the stand and £220 on the terracing. As these are conference prices I expect ours to be about the same as this year.
  14. I too would gladly put in a £1000 and would not be bothered if I never saw it again as long as our great club was saved. It breaks my heart how far we have fallen in six years. COYR.
  15. I am a season ticket holder and would be up for this. Enough is enough. We have been watching this sh*te all season and it is time the club knew how we really felt. Another option would be for everyone to stay outside the ground or in the concours until the game was about 10 mins in and then go to our seats singing OWTSGMI. I know this means that Lowe would have our money but it would certainly grab the attention of the media.
  16. I know this is third hand but a friend of a friend has spoke to Lallana who said he is off to Spuds in January. He also said Surman is off to Stoke. I think it should be taken with a huge chunk of the sodium stuff. AITK heard the rumour ?
  17. To add to my earlier post it seems that the the club are charged £4ish to have each poppy shirts done. Is it not possible for our chairman to put his hand in his pocket and pay the £100 or so to have these shirt's done and in the process raise a lot of money for a worthwhile charity ? I know our club is in the sh*te but come on! Shame on you Southampton Football Club.
  18. I have just spoken to a mate of mine whose wife works for the company who do the embroidery on the saints shirts. They are not doing them this year. Unless wooperts wife is doing them herself !!!!
  19. Another listless, lifeless, lazy display. We are not fit enough, cannot pass, cannot tackle, do not know how to close down and as for looking to run off the ball, don't make me laugh. The heart and soul of this club has been ripped out and our sh*te players just don't look interested. Where our next win is coming from I do not know. On another note I was shocked to hear Saints fans racially abusing our own players. I know they are crap but that is out of order. We had a beer in the bar opposite the station and was very pleasant although some of the local nutters did pop in to keep an eye on who was coming in by train.
  20. Another typical away Saints performance. What annoy's me the most is in the last 12 years we have managed 2 wins when being a goal down. At any level of football that is shocking but when most of those years are in the top flight and the remainder in the 2nd tier it is appalling. When are we going to have a team with a heart and a strong backbone ? This whole club is weak and us as fans should not have to put up with these lacklustre displays season after season.
  21. Sorry saw this thread 1st and jumped right in !!!!!
  22. A friend of mine was told by Fulthorpe at the weekend that the takeover is a couple of weeks away and there will be £20 million to spend in January ! I think it is a load of old ******** but thought I would post it on here for your amusement.
  23. The dug out at Mansfield was on the other side of the pitch.
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