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Big Dick Last

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Everything posted by Big Dick Last

  1. I was told at the weekend the players gave up their bonuses for promotion from league 1 and if they achieved promotion from the championship they would have their wages doubled. Nice if correct.
  2. Was a good day in the Fado. Shame we had to move on to the Baseball. Rest of the trip was great. Good to have met you Rut and we will be in touch next time we decide to come over to see the mighty Cards!
  3. I will not ask when was the last time the Cubs won the world series!!! We were in Chicago in '98 so have an idea of the place. If the jetlag is bad may be in the pub for the early game.
  4. I should make it amusing and watch you going round the pub asking people if they are Big ****! I will make it easy for you though and tell you I will probably be wearing my green SFC T shirt. Wrigley will be another ball park off of the list. I am a Cardinals fan so will be going into enemy territory! We do not have anything planned for Saturday night but will probably keep it low key as Sunday will be a long one. Hope there are a few of us in the pub to give it a good atmosphere. See you then COYR
  5. We will be in Fado for the big game. Hopefully not watching a massacre! We are staying in the Wyndham Blake, just few blocks from the pub. Could be a messy day for me. Football all morning then Baseball all afternoon!
  6. Thats sounds perfect. We will be going to Wrigley that afternoon but think we will see the Saints game downtown.
  7. Great news about the pub in Chicago as we will be ovr that weekend. I knew we would miss a game that weekend but hoped it would be an away game that we did not fancy. How gutted was I that it turned out to be Utd at home! At least now we can watch it on the box and hopefully with a few other Saints fans. We are staying in Downtown. Is the pub local to there or will we need to Cab or Subway?
  8. I do not understand why our pre-season tours are now as secretive as an SAS mission to Afghanistan! A few on here, myself included, have had great times in Sweden and Norway on pre-season tour. Now we get told of the tour so late it is virtually impossible to sort anything out.
  9. Nice thread but nothing to do with the Saints. Move it !!!!!
  10. Royal Oak is open before and after the game. Just need to show your ticket to the game to get in.
  11. Nine of us staying in Boro Saturday night. Found a hotel for £39 per night one mile from the city centre. Result. With the later kick off not such an early start on Saturday morning.
  12. Selling this complete tool to one of our promotion rivals would be a big mistake in my opinion. We all know he has the ability to hurt teams when he wants to. Any goals he would get for our rivals would hurt our desire for promotion. We should let him rot with the reserves or sell him to a team outside of the championship. Ship him off to Scotland would be ideal !!
  13. I remember the open air bar in the middle of town where a large bottle of Becks was about 40p !!! All the locals were stood outside the bar watching the mad English getting p*ssed up. They were sending their kids in to try and pickpocket the ones who were drunk enough not to notice ! The walk back from the ground trying to find a cab was a nightmare. The road we were on had the pavements dug up with no barriers round. Some of the trenches were about 6 foot deep. Happy days. A truly great trip with so many great memories.
  14. Is it not about time for a club owner to let a player like this rot in the reserves for the rest of his contract ? I know the club would make no money from him when his contract finished but it would send a message to these overpaid prima donnas that they do not own or run our clubs. You are under contract, so play to the best of your ability and train as a professional or play with the trainees. If you fail to turn up to training we will fine you. If this happened it would make my day. Players like this, and he is not the only one, p*ss me off.
  15. Sh!te. Watch for the ticket chaos when season ticket holders are not given any time to obtain their seats first. Will be nice to see the church full again.
  16. Yet again our team of so called league one superstars has failed to deliver. Any team that is serious of gaining promotion from this dreadful league does not lose seven games before Christmas. Let alone at home to teams like Rochdale and Brentford. We were dreadful from the first minute yersterday and that includes the manager. Why oh why did he not make any changes until there were only ten minutes left to play when it was obvious to everyone things were not working ? If he did not think the players on the bench were up to the task why pick them in the first place ? I hope the result yesterday is a wake up call to the team and management or promotion could be a distant dream.
  17. First have to say what a great weekend in Carlisle. Had a great laugh on Saturday night. On to the football. We have played worse than that and won. Some of our football was crisp and sharp but yet again we cannot defend. You cannot give any team three simple goals like that and expect to win. Carlisle were at best average and I am getting fed up us losing to teams like this. Their boss said after the game that they had beaten this seasons champions! It's about time we started to play like champions elect every week not just when we feel like it !
  18. Going up tomorrow afternoon and staying the weekend. Rest of my mates are going up early Saturday morning and coming back on Sunday. I think the weather forcast is better for the next few days.
  19. It is still a long way to go but this team does not look like promotion material. The team is made up of players cherry picked from teams in this league to give us the best players available in each position. All at a cost of more than all the other teams in this league put together. Last season Leeds were unbeaten until October. When they had their major wobble in the new year the points were in the bag to see them through to promotion. We now cannot afford another bad spell. Can this team win 7-8 on the bounce ? Can we go unbeaten for 10-15 games ? On current form I cannot see it. A more worrying thing is that a lot of fans are happy to accept playing in this league and would not be too concerned if we were still here in 5 years time. This league is crap. Always has been and always will be. We need to get out of here this season or we could be here for years to come.
  20. Hi mate. long time no see. Beer before the Saints? Shocking !!!!!!!
  21. A load of us are staying up there. The Ibis is £35 a night if you book 30 days in advance.
  22. I was told today that Lambert was sold to Wolves at the end of last season but could not agree terms with them. Could that be the reason for his poor form this season? Not sure if I believe the rumour but thought I would pass it on.
  23. A friend of a friend died a couple of weeks ago. He was a lifelong Saints fan so when his family put the announcement into the Echo they wanted the Saints crest on the top of it. They were then told by the Echo that the paper was not allowed to use the crest due to the spat with the club. It is sad and pathetic that a family cannot give thier loved one a fitting tribute due to our CEO treating all with disrespect. I for one would not be upset if the Liebherr family took thier money out of the club and took the stupid Italian with them. Please can we have our club back.
  24. What about Marlon King. He would be free, not want a large salary and would just want to get on and play football after his spell in the big house.
  25. I was told at the weekend that Nick had his season ticket money returned to him due to his "inappropriate comments". What ever happened to freedom of speech!
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