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Everything posted by StuRomseySaint

  1. Nope, not the Echo patch... you forgot that SFC refuse to speak to the Echo so as a result, the Echo have not published any details. The ONLY way you would know anything about season tickets is if you logged on their website.
  2. The club WILL have an installment plan next year regardless of whether we get promoted or not. Reasons? Because if we don't get promoted he will have to take the safety net of getting the season ticket holders in as there is no guarantee that people will turn up on the day the next season. If we do get promoted there is no certainty that we will be challenging near the top so again, you need to get a commitment from the punters. The installment plan WILL come back, not because it is the best thing to do for the fans, but because it is best business practice. Regardless of our performance this year, I think Cortese is heading for a massive fail. I predict no more than 12,000 for Dagenham and Redbridge in November for example. How many people are honestly going to stump up £25 to watch Saints against that shower of sh!te? Seriously. A few more predictions... The membership policy will have a buying reason which means you have no choice but to buy one, probably a clause on away tickets ( which generally this season will be on sale or return basis so no risk to the club) which means you HAVE to be a member to buy one. If we have a slow start and are completely off the place, our super chairman will decide to sell half-season tickets to try and recover some of the costs. The beer/food at St Marys will rise well above the rate of inflation. The club will try and squeeze money out of people left, right and centre... it seems people like Nick G are happy to let that happen. The Travel Club ( non-profit LMFAO ) prices will be significantly more... on that point whilst we are here, the club advertised the travel club as just that. Non-Profit... how come I managed to run 3 coaches up to Wembley for the JPT Final at £5 LESS per person than what they offered, AND at a profit?
  3. 1st link. You have found the link to the company which explains insurance premiums not season ticket finance. 2nd link. Because they put in their terms and conditions that they may credit check you ( which is the law ) , how does that state the full amount is paid to the club? Even if it was the case (which is not how it was explained to me when I spoke to them, but was told every club plan is bespoke to the individual clubs requirement, so a possibility ) then surely all that proves is that it's even less of a risk to the club because it's a loan between you and Zebra Finance. The club are paid in full so there is no issue with defaulters etc because the club will have recieved the full amount and Premium will do the chasing up for THEIR money. But nowhere in that second part does it state they will lend you the money in the form of a loan. So I am not sure what your point is, but you fail on all accounts.
  4. How is that Trousers? Pretty much all of that is either speculation, bullsh!t or just simply wrong.
  5. It's not a credit. It is premium collection, a supporters group could indeed run it, I don't see a reason why not as there really is nothing to do, but Southampton FC would have to agree to have 3-6 installments as opposed to the whole lot up front, Premium or Zebra do not lend the customer the money then pay in full, they collect the premiums on behalf of the club month by month.
  6. Maybe you could actually read the whole thread you will know that 38% APR is complete b*llocks, and maybe you might have read my comments about it being up to the club, not the credit company how much interest is charged. Maybe rather than trolling and try and snipe from the safety of your PC you will look at the facts.
  7. Listen mate, seriously, do I have to explain it again? THERE IS NO SIGNIFICANT COSTS TO THE CLUB - THIS IS 100% FACT AND WHY ALL FOOTBALL CLUBS IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP AND PREMIERSHIP USE THIS SYSTEM I don't know how many times I can repeat this very simple thing. The only administration by the club is someone putting the form in an envelope and sending it to Premium Credit/Zebra. These companies ADMINISTRATE the collection, they do EVERYTHING, all SFC have to do is check the bank account each month. The finance companies chase up defaulters etc, apply CCJ's/Debt Recovery etc... they can do it ALL, at NO cost to the club. Its a lie, a 100% blatant, made up, bullsh!t lie. Simple as that, no if's - no buts... its a lie. If people are happy to have a secret society football club to support then they will get the club they deserve.
  8. What reason would you have to stick by the club when they have been proven to be lieing to fans ( yes, I am happy to say that on here and I am happy for them to send me a letter threatening me with legal action, as they have done other Saints fans over completely fickle things ) . Believe me, I would not post on here statements saying the club is lieing to it's supporters unless I was 100% certain that all my information was factual, because believe me, the club WOULD take legal action against me, you or anyone else who has a bad word to say about the club/chairman without reason. So there is no debate as whether the club is lieing to its fans, that is 100% FACT, there is no debate as to whether the club has justified their position and shown any empathy/understanding towards the supporters, that is 100% FACT that they haven't. All I have done is deal in facts, not speculation, to be honest I couldn't give a monkeys about the cyber warriors like Windmill acting like tossers, I will enjoy the "I told you so" moments when they happen... because believe me, they will, sooner or later they are going to do something which affect you, Windmill and everyone else which has come on here and had a pop... Like Hypo said though, the amount of people that have come on a thread to say how boring/stupid/diddums/shut up etc when the title is quite clear what the subject is about really does show how retarded and not normal our support is.
  9. Firstly, if it was 'more trouble than it's worth' , then why does every single club of our support have an installment plan, with the majority of them with the 2 finance companies that I sourced? If the costs are that much, why does every single club of our support have an installment plan? Do you honestly think they are all wrong and Cortese, 11 months into football is right? There is NO risk by using a 3rd party, it is a fixed interest rate ( if that's how they want to recover the fees, there are other ways, like charging and administration fee of only allowing installments based on the higher 'new' season ticket price ) , it is a fixed sum back over a fixed amount of months. That's it, nothing more, nothing less, it's the most simple thing in the world, I really don't know why so many people are still trying to pick holes.... it's not a hard system to work out. And I won't even bother to answer your point about "a personal loan is so clearly available to everyone on better terms"... because that is just bullsh!t in every way.
  10. Let's forget about the Installment plan just for a minute. Look at the fact that they removed a core benefit, one of which, as you stated, means that people have either had to make other sacrifices or cannot now purchase a season ticket. But the thing which gives everyone a good idea as to how the club is being run, and how Cortese views the fans, is that at no point have they actually answered the questions which I gave them, and most importantly... at no point in the last 3 weeks have they justifies their position, nor have they simply said "we are sorry for any inconvenience caused" , seriously, how many businesses do you know that remove a core benefit from their customer base and don't even have the decency to say sorry? It's not all about the Installment plan, what this has shown up is the club ( Cortese ) really does not give a f*ck about the fans, this has proven it beyond doubt. The fans charter and supporters engagement policy has been torn up... which funnily enough coincided with Andy Oldknow leaving, contact with the press has stopped, communication with the fans has stopped... the club is shutting it's doors and think it can get away with treating fans with complete contempt and they will still come paying. Cortese is relying on fans being blinded by the fact they brought us out of administration and Liebherr being a billionaire and thinks he can get away with pretty much anything and Saints fans will take it on the chin. He thinks he can treat fans like c*nts as people are too scared to say anything because they think he will walk away. Remember, this is Liebherrs investment, not Cortese's, I strongly believe Liebherr will be here long after Cortese is gone.
  11. Firstly, before I fly out the door, I must say how amusing it is that people click on a thread titled " Response from club re: Installment plans " and then state how boring and tedious etc etc the subject is. What did you expect the thread to be about? Knitting? Latest Cricket Stores? Best place to go and buy a garden rake? It's pretty obvious what the subject is about so it's pretty retarded that you find the subject boring yet can help not only reading the thread, but feeling the need to comment on it! On a last note, the reason for putting the response up is because it just now shows that we now have a very much 'like it or lump it' club. If that's your cup of tea then fine, but it will come and bite you in the arse sooner or later. Nobody expects the club to change the way they run their business if they think this is what is a success... but a football club relies on the rapport built with fans. How many businesses do you know that remove a core benefit for their membership and don't even have the courtesy to say " We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause " , let alone simply justify their position. That really is all.
  12. Wrong Weston. The finance company has a fee which they charge each month for each premium collected. It's up to the club if they want to pay that fee themselves ( ie Interest Free plans ) or pass it on to the customer. It is up to THE CLUB to decided on how and what interest rates are charged, the finance companies have a fixed fee.
  13. There is plenty of threads on it and this thread is just about closing the subject. Is it a blatant lie? In my opinion yes. People talk about administration costs etc... that's exactly what Premium Credit/Zebra get paid their fee for... dealing with the administration, pretty much all of it. Certainly no more than a few man hours a week are needed once it has been incepted. Defaulters are insignificant when talking about the deliberate ones which screw the club. The internal system last season was done in a rush so no doubt they had a few nightmares about refer to payer of insufficiant funds DD bounces. This season they didn't need to use that system, they could have used a third party companies, one of which has worked with Southampton previously. Both of them confirmed to me that they had not been approached by Southampton FC for the 10/11 season... so that proves 100% FACT that the club never even looked into it... so how the club can give cost as a reason when they never even got a quote proves its pretty much a blatant lie as it gets. Anyway, the subjects even boring me now!
  14. The club is very much a 'like it or lump it' club in everything they do now. This forum is full of simpletons that just want to oppose things when in reality, they all know that the club is treating its fans badly and people like Mikey would have a different opinion away from their laptop, I am sure of that. I certainly haven't met one person yet in the real world that thinks that the removal of the scheme is acceptable. Anyway, pub and England awaits.
  15. By commenting on this thread you are not letting the thread die are you Simple Mikey. I passed on details which I had recieved from the third party companies who confirmed there is ZERO cost to any club in administration. The club respond with " it's due to high administrative costs " If you were making a complaint about something and they responded with a blatant lie... would you accept it? As I said though, there's nothing more to say to the club as they have made their stance clear that they have no interest in their supporters charter or supporters engagement policy. Let's hope their next decision doesn't affect you eh?
  16. Correct, and as I have been so public about their lies, I am pretty sure if I wasn't backing it up with facts, then they would have sent me a letter threatening legal action ( it wouldn't have been the first time they have done this to someone ) . I gave them FACTS why their excuse about costs was rubbish and they send a response back saying they won't enter a debate but it was due to high administrative costs. But anyway, there is absolutely no point in going back to them again, so as I said, this is the last thread on the subject. Once again it is getting filled up with people who were not affected by the removal failing to show any fellow Saints fans who HAVE been affected by it any compassion. But I guess that's what happens in an internet forum when you give people the safety of an anonymous username. Ultimately, as I stated a few times, supporters will end up with the club they deserve.
  17. It is a 'we will not enter a debate because you are right' and the excuse "high administrative costs" is complete bullsh!t.
  18. Nope, I am off down the pub in a minute. That's their standpoint and if they are going to lie, then fair do's, and if people are going to accept them lieing, fair enough. Some people might have been interested in the response and it's now put to bed.
  19. Firstly, I think they have mistaken me for someone else, because they did not actually respond to me in the first place, I took the excuse of costs being high from other peoples replies. So there you go, they stick by the reasoning that there is high administrative costs to the club, even though I have proven to them it is not ( if I was not stating facts I have no doubt they would have issued me with a letter from their solicitors ) So think what you will of that. Me? I will cherry pick a few home games and do mostly away next season. For now, there's more important things than SFC. Come on England!!!
  20. You are quite welcome to drink in the Bedes Lea Tavern, which is after all... where the amazing people like myself will be watching the game.
  21. There is no win/win situation in Northern Ireland, if Ulster was handed back to Ireland then the UFF/UVF would most definately, without a shadow of a doubt, take up arms again. And in all seriousness, the UFF/UVF are a much more capable and disciplined fighting force than the IRA.
  22. Deal. And Georgie, I will take that bet as well. If we don't have 13,425 tickets EXACTLY then you own a tenner to Help for Heroes ( as well as owing me a few drinks already ) :-)
  23. Also bear in mind many/if not most Saints fans live a good few miles away so the petrol costs of getting to the ticket office actually mean that the cheapest way of getting a ticket is infact the one way that they are trying to discourage... to pay on the day. This is one of the main reasons I am certain that Cortese has bulldozed ahead with these plans without consulting Luker, I can't believe someone of David Lukers experience would have made such a simple mistake. Options for me: 1. Find time to go to the ticket office to buy in advance in person: £22 + £5 petrol. = £27 2. Buy over the phone or online in advance: £22 + £3 booking fee = £25 3. Take a chance with the queues on the day of the game: £24
  24. THAT comment is laughable. I seriously and honestly feel sorry for you and other fans who think that. There is serious money to be made if the football club is run in the right way, and that is exactly what Liebherr is here for. Granted it's a fun way of making money for him, but please don't be so naive to think he is effectively going to pay a few million a year in order to have a bit of fun.
  25. No, the £2 surcharge is based on the standard ticket price, there is not a £2 surcharge on the £2 surcharge. There is no booking fee for buying at the ticket office on the day, only a £2 surcharge... so it IS £1 cheaper to buy on the day that it is to book over the phone. For people such as myself who live a few miles from St Marys and are not in the area for anything other than football, it's the cheapest option to pay on the day... and the one that makes most sense as you can leave it till the last minute before buying.
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