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Everything posted by StuRomseySaint

  1. Seriously, could you possibly get your nose stuck up any more than it already is? What a snobby c*nt you are.
  2. Maybe they are going to send me a PM offering me a job at St Marys. It seems I could generate the club alot of revenue through savings in some areas and selling more season tickets. I can offer cheaper coaches for the Travel Club and installment plans at no cost to the club. I await their call. :-)
  3. If the club want to make a profit then fair enough, but to state in the supporters charter and on the Travel Club website that coaches are ran at cost price and no profit to the club when that almost certainly is not the case, is morally wrong and is miss-selling and misleading the 'customer' .
  4. No they didn't. Nick G just has some sick crush on Cortese and will do anything to try and stick up for his first love. Now he has resorted to lieing. The only communication regards to season tickets has been their weekly newsletter, which effectively is just a working screen print of the website, where there is a link to Matchday prices ( not a featured story ) The club COULD text/email/post/advertise details at little cost in relation to the value of the product they are selling. They have chosen not to.
  5. Because they advertised The Travel Club at providing coaches at no profit. Both on the advertising for the coaches and on the Supporters Charter ( lol ) Steve could be right and Avensis may indeed have sub-contracted the other coaches in. But £25 a head is £1325 - 2 of my coaches cost £580... that's a massive difference.
  6. I am glad some people are starting to realise what is now happening at the club. It's not just about the season tickets, it's the whole situation in general and how Cortese thinks the club should be run... which is 100% business and zero percent communication with the fans, which are no longer even slightly important to the club, if they were then... Cortese quite clearly believes the fans deserve no respect, and believes he will still get fans through the gate.
  7. Nope, infact the 'local' coaches actually cost more than the out of area ones. One of the coaches I got was from a Southampton company and was considerably more than the coaches I hired from Vision Travel ( P*rtsmouth ) ... supply and demand, local companies bumped their prices up because they knew they could get away with it. Some people from Bournemouth also posted at the time that their coach cost about £10 a head. The further away from Soton the coaches were from, the cheaper they were. There is absolutely no way that their coaches won't run at anything less than a significant profit, in direct contradiction to the supporters charter.
  8. I don't think it is fair to challenge Luker, I think it's pretty obvious for all to see that he had no say in the ticketing structure, shown by the schoolboy error with regards to the booking fees and surcharges.
  9. Which is where Cortese is deluded. The 50,000 won't come back whilst we are in League 1.
  10. No... because without the -10 and having a real chance of winning the league, the club SHOULD have had significantly higher gates than last season and significantly more season tickets, when let's be honest, we never really had a chance of league success. Anything more than a significant rise in gates will be a massive fail on Cortese's part... and look to the Dagenham and Redbridge game on a cold November night, which could well be our lowest league attendance for years.
  11. Season Ticket Prices - 8th highest in Championship. Match Day Prices - 6th most expensive in Championship Average Attendance - 7th highest in Championship So... do you need to go on accountancy course to see that our income and turnover will be that of a top half Championship club? The only revenue we lose to Championship is about £1m in TV money... which would have been more than made up from our JPT Cup run. It's called common sense DullDays, you should try some.
  12. I have engaged with the club about the issue only to be told, "it's not changing, it's not open to debate ", the Echo have contacted the club and been ignored, the Saints Trust have contacted the club and been ignored, the owner of this website has contacted the club and been ignored. Not to mention the hundreds of complaints the club has recieved. You could quite easily shut me up by rubbishing my 10 points I raised, or by raising 10 of your own to match them...
  13. Training facilities and Academy are the single most profit-making machine a club can have... even more so than tickets. We have signed £3m of players in the last 12 months, of which the vast majority will have been paid for in our profits. We should be signing Championship players, because we have a top Championship size income and profit.
  14. No 10 reasons? You are the one keep the thread going by commenting on it ( even though it doesn't even affect you!!! ) If I am wrong, pick out my 10 reasons one by one and tell me why they are wrong, give me 10 examples of the club showing that they want as many season ticket holders as possible. If not, be the man and admit on this occasion, I am right.
  15. I reckon the memberships will be £30-£50 and there will be reasons why most fans would HAVE to get one. For example, you HAVE to be a member to purchase tickets for away games ( like Stoke and Cardiff have done ),the club will use the excuse it's for security reasons due to the uprise in trouble, but in reality it will just be a way of squeezing a bit more cash out. All in my honest opinion, of course. :-)
  16. 1) Because there will be a rush for the last 3 days because of payday, by extending the hours it will stop them getting overwhelmed. 2) Come on, let's stay on subject. So I might let you have half a point for the first one, which is more an operational decision than a commercial one in my opinion. So can you give me 10 reasons? Let's forget the bickering and deal it facts. I have given you 10 facts what the club have/have not done which I believe would help restrict the amount of season ticket sales. Now give me 10 reasons why I am wrong?
  17. Come on Matty... I've give 10 reasons as to why the club are forcing people not to buy season tickets. If you don't agree with me, then post 10 reasons as to why they ARE trying to sell season tickets.
  18. The renewal discount is another core benefit. Something every single club does. They have to be careful not to remove every single benefit. They rose the prices 15%, if they had not given a renewal discount then the rise would have been 40%... far to much not to expect a massive backlash of fans. People keep on about costs, it costs them nothing to send email reminders out. They have a newsletter facility for that. It costs them nothing to update their website and it costs them a nominal amount to carry out local press advertising.
  19. Come on DullDays, let's have a serious debate... bring something to the table. I posted 10 reasons why I believe the club is trying to bully people out of having a season ticket as they was to force as many people to pay the full matchday prices. Give me something back other than " I believe Nicola Cortese " Give me some examples of things he has done for the fans that shows him/the club care. Please don't use the popping out for a cup of tea with people queueing up for tickets, or the cheap tickets for disabled kids ( which is club policy and has been for years ). Give me some examples, it can't be that hard, I managed to post 10. Yet another non-season ticket holder in you though with such a strong opinion on the selling of them when it doesn't affect you.
  20. Memberships should come back if they are used in the right way and are to enable people to get further up the queue to buy tickets and not to earn the club more money.
  21. Seriously grow up you child and don't troll, go out and play with your friends or something.
  22. Without sounding patronising, I assume you have no experience of business practice? The club can't just do away with season tickets, that would cause uproar amoungst fans, even more so than removing the installment plan. It just wouldn't work. What they have done is made them as restrictive as possible for people to purchase and try and silently 'bully' as many people out of getting one as possible, either by simply not bothering to sell pro-actively and contact their membership base or by removing core benefits which people rely on to buy one. The commercial reasons are Cortese saw 50k Saints fans at Wembley chasing success, he thinks he can guarantee success this year which in turn means the people who don't get a season ticket will still come and pay the full whack.
  23. Regardless of exact numbers, I am willing to stick my neck out and say that they made a profit on each and every coach. As a group booking they would have got more discounts than I managed to get hold of. The Wembley parking was £60 ( which I didn't have to pay because we parked in the Green Man Pub ) and I even paid someone £50 each to look after the coaches I wasn't on. There is no way it cost the club anywhere near £25 a head to run the coaches. They were in demand, so they priced them up. Just another lie from the club. Funny that they will be running coaches to Brentford next season, a few miles from Wembley, for less than £15 again.
  24. Exactly... it is standard practice for any business which requires subscription/memberships to send out renewal reminders in the post. Some people don't seem to understand that. Also, the cost of sending renewals out really is minimal, as long as 2 people out of the 13,000 renew as a direct result of the reminders, then they have got their money back. But we obviously have some geniuses like DJ Harvey with no experience in sales other than working the till at Happy Shopper who think they know better.
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