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Everything posted by StuRomseySaint

  1. Same old faces? How do you know this? Are you talking out of your @rse? If they were the same old faces then the OB wouldn't have had to get the Echo to put pictures in the paper to identify them you muppet. It is safe to say that NONE of the people identified in the Echo have been in any trouble of note before involving SFC.
  2. YOu have. There you go. Open invite. I am free anytime this week apart from tommorow. Let me know what days better. ( and as whitley has confirmed, it was a weekly newsletter you mong ) Look forward to seeing you.
  3. Hang on... the majority of them do it regulary? What proof do you have on this?
  4. Are you still going on DullDays? Still commenting on a subject which not only you have no interest in, as someone who does not have a season ticket holder, it doesn't even affect you. Oh...
  5. Rather than doing your normal sarcastic sh!te, listen to the post. No other chairman in the country treats season tickets with such contempt. Are they all wrong and Cortese is right? Is that what you are saying?
  6. I already explained why it would make a massive impact on the sentance which one it was. I didn't say domestic abuse was trivial. And as for being a Spurs fan, I don't give a f*ck who someone supports, I wouldn't even wish them sentances on a skate... they are wrong and I feel sorry for each and every one of them.
  7. It was a screenshot of the website, with links on, if it is the same email I got, and not specific to Season Tickets, simply a 'latest news' update which I get every week too. And the fact only 2 ( 3 including me ) people on this thread have read it, it's hardly pro-active marketing. Don't worry about Nick. He get's his kicks from trying to look smart from the safety of his PC, just like Matthew Le God. When both of them are asked to back their thoughts up in real life, they both decline... funny that. :-) ( and no I wasn't threatening them, I simply wanted to see if they would have the same opinions in real life, it seems they prefer the safety net of an anonymous forum, shame, I would have even bought the beer. )
  8. Nick, you really are a tedious c*nt. Violent Disorder and Domestic Abuse are completely different you troll. Of course you could link any offences up... but seriously, you are clutching at straws. That's like saying rape and murder are the same thing ( well using your theory, you could f*ck someone to death ) If you enjoy sitting/hiding behind your PC trying to prove people wrong and that's what gives you a hard-on every night, can I suggest you get on a dating site and find a bird ( or bloke in your case )
  9. Violent Disorder is part of the Public Order Act. And for it to be violent disorder it has to involve at least 3 people threatening violence. What part of that have you managed to link to domestic abuse Einstein?
  10. Can we just ( once again ) get something clear. The 12 were charged with violent disorder and not criminal damage. 99% of the criminal damage was smashed windows to cars and dents etc caused by P*mpey throwing missles in to the Saints fans. The only criminal damage caused by Saints fans was a couple of hubcaps and some wire fencing. So I don't know why people are mentioning criminal damage when that's not what these 12 were charged with. I only know the story of one... who threw a small lump of wood back that landed by his feet, thrown by a skate. It bounced harmlessly nowhere near anyone... now he is inside for 12 months, lost his job, house, etc etc... if you think that is actually a crime that warrants losing all that then quite frankly, you are a c*nt.
  11. Of course it makes a difference. If he has already been imprisoned for Violent Disorder before then of course he should have the book thrown at him. If it was domestic abuse, then this is his first offence of Violent Disorder ( although his previous violence convictions may be taken into account, but not to the extent they would if it was violent disorder ) So yes, it does make a difference. xx
  12. It can't be violent disorder AND/OR domestic abuse. They are completely different offences. I suggest you go and compare the charges. :-)
  13. I heard 1 had previous violent offences ( non-football ) This is backed up by the fact they all had to be identified through the Echo, which means they were not on the polices radar with regards to football related offences.
  14. Have a word with yourself Dulldays. It was £3million FFS 3 f*cking million!!! Hardly massive spenders in relation to our income. Just because lots of other teams ( with established squads ) didn't buy that summer, it's still only f*cking £3m... and most, if not all of that will be recovered in profits.
  15. He is obviously the intelligent one then. He runs on the pitch, Saints announce they will ban anyone who ran on the pitch... so he splashes himself all over the Echo and chucks his name in their just incase Saints haven't caught up with him yet. What a 'tard.
  16. It is no surprise that most of the names on here saying "good, they got what they deserved" etc, are also the idiots who have been saying " tough luck if you can't afford to pay for a season ticket up front etc, the club done right getting rid of them, get a loan blah blah" Seriously, have a word with yourselves, if you really need to come on a forum to justify your existance and tell a bunch of nobodys what a law-abiding and wealthy citizen you are then maybe you should get out more?
  17. Nobody was in a fight and nobody was seriously injured. So it's a bit of a hypothetical situation. Missiles where exchanged between 2 groups of fans. You pick out as many people throwing the missiles and charge them and sentance them accordingly. 12 months in jail for throwing a missile that did not injure anyone is not sentancing them accordingly. I am not saying they are innocent, just that 12 months inside and their livelyhoods ruined for throwing a coin or plastic hubcap is completely over the top, and I can't believe people cannot see that.
  18. You could be doing 40 and cause no harm and the penalty? Nothing happens. You could be doing 40 and kill a child. Death by Dangerous driving and a few years in prison. Away from football you could punch someone and just mark/bruise them and end up with a nominal fine, if anything. You could punch them just as hard, they fall back and smash their head on the kerb. You are charged with manslaughter and serve years in prison. You throw a coin outside a football stadium and it doesn't hit someone. You go to jail. You throw a coin outside a football stadium and it does hit someone. You go to jail. You throw a coin in the street at someone and it doesn't hit them. £80 fine maximum, more than likely told to go away. You throw a coin in the street at someone and it does hit them. Maybe a fine, possibly even a little bit of community service if the injury was serious enough. As I said, i am not condoning it, and they needed punishing... possibly the person who caused the ONE injury deserved prison, not the others though. No way, never.
  19. OK. So if you are attacked in the street, with a police officer standing across the road, you will be happy for him to sit back filming it... after all, it's not his fault and nothing to do with him. Police are there to prevent crime as well as catch criminals. They could have prevented this 'crime' ... they chose not to.
  20. Disagree. IF it was not a pre-arranged sting, trying to get coax some of the 'risk' supporters into getting involved in disorder in the hope of locking some of them up then it was completely incompetant policing. Right or wrong it is pretty obvious to even the most stupid people that if a large crowd of Saints fans and a large crowd of P*mpey fans come into contact with each other there will be disorder. It is the polices job to prevent disorder, and they could have done so simply by keeping the skates in after the game, as happens in every single other 'hostile' derby in the country, without exception. So it was either a sting, or the person who made the decision to let the skates out at the same time should be made to justify their decision.
  21. What was the polices job? ( What they got PAID by SFC to do? They were not just there watching on, they were paid thousands of pounds to do a job, not sit back watching ) To prevent disorder? Would that be a fair assumption? If so, did they prevent disorder to the best of their abilities?
  22. When you speeding then you should be locked up and throw away the key... by driving at 40mph instead of 30mph you are doing so in the full knowledge you are 3 times more likely to kill someone if they walk out in front of you. Oh, and I don't condone their actions, they deserved to get nicked for being stupid and throwing missiles in front of the police if nothing else... I just don't see how throwing a coin which doesn't hit anyone can carry a 12 month prison sentance, and how stamping on someones head in a different 'less public' football match deserves a suspended sentance and ticking off? No consistancy... that's my gripe.
  23. Micky. Can you point me in the direction of their charges of criminal damage? These people were not charged with causing criminal damage, they were charged with violent disorder. So the £30,000 of damage is irrelevent ( and infact was caused mainly by the skates )
  24. I am not defending them, they deserved to get punished, however every sentance has to fit the crime... these were made an example of and have been sent to jail for an offence that in any other walk of life, it would be dealt with by police with an £80 fine. It's wrong... completely wrong.
  25. So you break the speed limit? You must have seen the advert? If you hit someone at 30mph, there's an 80% chance they will live, if you hit them at 40mph, there is an 80% chance they will die. You know this, yet you choose to speed? You are sc*m of the highest order. Let's hope your children don't ever walk out in front of someone breaking the speed limit eh? I am sure you will accept it though as 'everyone does it' eh?
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