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Everything posted by StuRomseySaint

  1. Friday - Came back from a midweek break with the kids, stopped off at a mates in London for the night on the way back. Saturday - Came back from London, spend day recovering, got back on the beers in the evening. Sunday - Recovered once again, mates sons christening, ate and drank too much again. Today - Should be going to Ireland today but decided to cancel as a stupid f*cking leak in the bathroom once again means we need to go shopping for a new bath suite instead. 2/10 ( P.S - this is my 3rd post. I also spent alot of the weekend thinking how I won't be donating any money to line the pockets of the webmasters on this forum )
  2. No Minty, I will stand by my ground that the vast majority of people who have been involved in ST, TSA and all the other cr*p are arrogant tossers who do it completely for themselves. Are you telling me that the ST don't have a clear manifesto? As in to get a seat on the board? I am completely fed up of hearing the ' why don't you put your money up and join or shut up' line, it is soooo tedious it's unreal. Can you not understand that if people do not agree with an organisation then the last thing they are going to do is pay money and join it? I DO NOT WANT A FAN ON THE BOARD - So why the hell would I join the Saints Trust? Why would I donate money to something which I really cannot stand? Tell me WHAT the people who get involved in these schemes have actually contributed? Ted Bates Trust - Raised some money and because of their own ego's wanting them to have an exclusive say in the statue, they wasted peoples donations. TSA - What did they ever actually achieve apart from selling a few caps and t-shirts? SISA - As much as I like the blokes who set it up and agree with their principles, what membership do they hold and who do they represent? Saints Trust - Apart from a couple of quiz nights and race meetings, what exactly has it achieved? I notice there are still complete lies about their memberships on their website. 838 paid up members.... are you sure? Can you prove that? Have 838 people paid you money to be a member? Now it is no coincidence that the same people seem to be getting involved in each of these organisations and f*cking up every one.
  3. I shall use one of my three posts to link this... http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/Pompey-v-Man-Utd-.4375001.jp Seems even your local rag is dissappointed with the empty seats.
  4. Just got back from holiday about 1 hour ago Kippy, sorry. :-( Away on holiday again on Monday, so gotta miss this one. Rock and Roll. Ohhhh, can someone also provide me with a link or confirm whether this site is a profit making one as Baj didn't answer me on B-anter.
  5. Hello, I am just back from holiday. I think you should find out the difference between 'Sold Out' and 'None more available' I think you may well be a little bit red faced come Sunday when the empty seats are shown.
  6. This is one of the reasons that shows you lot up to being arrogant tossers. Why, why, why would anyone join up to 'change' it? Do you agree with the BNP, if not, can I assume you are a member of them and actively trying to change them? Or maybe as you do not agree with their principles do you decide you do not want your name associated with the organisation. I am sick of all the mugs who 'represent' the Saints Trust. WHAT HAVE YOU EVER DONE???? ( Apart from release the odd statement and have a quiz night ( lol )
  7. This is my last post of the day. Them c*nts who were in the Itchen were far from promising. On Friday night was a prime example of why Adult only priced blocks should be in the Northam, the little c*nts that were in there on Friday were an embarrasment. If them c*nts are season tickets holders in there then I will be retiring to the Kingsland with my blanket after the first game of the season, even the Chapel would be more enjoyable than spending it with them choppers. P.S - I know about imminent investment in SFC, which involves some local people, Alan Shearer and Dubai, unfortunately I am limited to 3 posts. See you all tommorow. xx
  8. This is my second post. How many am I allowed if I don't pay?
  9. This is one of my three posts a day, so I will make it a good one.....
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