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Everything posted by StuRomseySaint

  1. Unfortunately that would be murder. Whilst I was over there though, he should have indeed been killed, but the UFF and UVF went for him on the same evening without realising, and blew their cover. UFF fired at him with a 2.2 which just bounced off his car, as a result they took a different route, if they had travelled a mile further up the road the UVF where waiting there with an RPG which WOULD have killed him.
  2. Super. Let's pay out more tax and make sure we can fill the prisons up with everyone who fights on a Friday night, anyone who goes more than 5mph over the limit, anyone that swears in public, drops litter... You must be super rich. I don't know if you read the news Ponty, but our prisons are overcrowded... prople who nick cars, put people in hospital after a fight on a Friday night, burglars, sexual offenders etc are all avoiding jail, whilst some lad who throws a plastic chair ( at nobody ) is inside for 14 months.
  3. Of course they are tough, someone just got carted off to Parkhurst ( where the majority of them have gone ) for 14 months for throwing a plastic chair into an empty road. I am sure pretty much every person on this forum has commited an offence in their life which would be deemed as more serious that throwing a plastic chair about 3 metres into an empty road.
  4. Courts in this country are open houses. It was reported by a journo from the P*rtsmouth news exactly what they did... as I said, if there was more to the story, they would have reported it to make it sound a bit interesting. There wasn't though... that was it. I posted a video of the 'incident' that saw one person get 14 months. Your views are indeed retarded if you think that 14 months is the right sentence for throwing a plastic chair into an empty road.
  5. Regardless... I have just posted a video up of one of the offences which earnt the chap a 14 month sentence. Look at the video. Do you think 14 months in prison for throwing a plastic chair into an empty road is justice served? Or maybe a tad on the harsh side?
  6. Seriously, one threw a plastic chair. ( watch the footage, it was one of them super light garden chairs which would do no more harm than maybe a scratch) 7 minutes 28 What did that person get? 14 months in prison. Are you honestly, honestly telling me that the offence you can clearly see on the footage, which doesn't go anywhere near the P*mpey fans, nor does it hit the police. And YES , that was all his offence was, this is confirmed in the press release which I posted earlier, so don't come back with the " err, I bet that's not all he did "... it WAS all he did, otherwise details would have been released. Seriously, if you think that is warranted of a 14 month sentence then you need to get off your high horse. On a last point, I have no doubt people in real life think the sentences are harsh and that it's just alot of status posturing on here tonight. I honestly don't believe anyone can justify someone getting put behind bars for what you see on the video... that's just f*cking ludicrous.
  7. It was written by a local news reporter sitting in on the court proceedings, don't you think that if there was something a bit more juicy to put in the story then she would have done. 12 months not for pulling on a fence, but for 'grabbing it'. 12 months for throwing A bottle top. 12 months for throwing 1 coin. Pathetic, almost as pathetic as our retarded support praising the justice system.
  8. Seriously can't get my head around that some of you are actually happy that people have been put in prison for doing nothing more than grabbing a fence ( it was nothing more than that, it's in black and white ) in the heat of the moment, or threw a bottle top or bit of plastic and they are not looking at least 5 or 6 months in prison, lost jobs, lost houses, kids having their Dads taken away for that time. For what? Grabbing a f*cking fence. Now sorry, but regardless of the police filming, you could be excused for thinking that grabbing a fence is not going to get you put in prison, nor is throwing a 'bottle top' . My thoughts go out to all the lads families, many of whom might lose their house or are wondering how they are going to be able to put food on the table for the kids and hope they all are released asap. We really do have some retarded supporters, I don't know if you think it's funny them getting put in prison just to show off, or whether you genuinely feel it, either way... it's wrong. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, and would be saying exactly the same if it was the other way round and it was P*mpey fans that got shafted by the justice system. Put it into perspective, you can burgle a house, nick a car, drink drive, put someone in hospital after a fight in town, mug a granny etc and STILL expect less than a 12 month prison sentence which them lads got for 'grabbing a fence' . Some people on here need to either stop showing off or get some perspective.
  9. 12 months prison, according to some of the idiots on here, that's well deserved for grabbing a fence. And before anyone says anything, I am pretty sure if there was anything else, then the reporter from the News would have mentioned it? Also, what I want to know, who the fook had the bottle tops? :shock:
  10. Stephen Jordan, 49, of Middle Road, Sholing, was seen pulling on the 6ft high fence by an officer. He later made the 'toe to toe' comment in interview. Plumber Marcus Bevan, 23, of Warburton Road, Thornhill, threw missiles at the Pompey fans and later said in a police interview he wanted to fight them. A report said his aggressive action inspired others to do the same. Former Royal Navy engineer and Falklands veteran, Christopher Stevens, 46, of Stagbrake Close, Southampton, threw bottle tops, while James Smith, 34, of Brentwood Crescent, Southampton threw a stone. Cameron Jordan, 22, son of Steven Jordan, threw a large piece of plastic and pulled at the fence. Matthew Hinton, 19, of Hillside Avenue, Southampton, threw a coin, as did Lewis Buckley, 24, of The Millburns, Romsey. James Koral, 20, of Haddon Drive, Eastleigh, threw several missiles while Xavier Whyte, 22, of Wilton Road, Southampton, threw a plastic chair. Kevin Medway, 28, of Old Farm Drive, Southampton, pulled the fence and threw a bottle top, while Michael Byles, 24, of Aldemoor Road, Southampton, grabbed at the fence. Alan Taylor, 30, of Milton Road, Southampton, aggressively confronted a PCSO after going to the scene looking for a fight, 'so he could be beaten up and die'. The men's barristers indicated their remorse and shame over what happened. *********************** http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/newshome/39Saints-fans-looked-for-Pompey.6357904.jp Now please, that is the charges, tell me pulling on a f*cking fence deserves 12 months prison, it's a f*cking disgrace,
  11. I wonder what the 2 skates who threw the firecracker at Mounted Police will get? If we are going to have a proportionate sentance, then I guess they are looking at 10 years.
  12. I very much doubt that David Luker had anything to do with the pricing and structure of the tickets. Reason? Because someone of Lukers skills and experience ( he is one of the best in his game at his job ) would not have made such a schoolboy error as to try and encourage people to buy tickets in advance, yet make it cheaper for them to buy on the day. Also, the last time SFC would have had the need for any contact with Premium/ Zebra would have been around January 2008. Do you think that any half decent business would assume the same costs are applicable, or do you think that seeing as it's more than 2 years ago since they last got a quote, that they might go back to these people and get another quote, even if to see if the market has changed? There is half a dozen or so of you on here... Nick G, Dulldays Matthew Le God, yourself and a few others who are just arguing for the sake of arguing, you're not really adding anything to the debate, you cannot honestly tell me that it's because of the high administration costs when every other similar sized club in the country has a scheme... even ones in administration like P*mpey and Palace... who really do need to cut their cloth. I would not even think about stating things which are not the truth, because the club would not think twice about taking legal action against me ( as they have threatened to do against certain individuals and organisations for things as tedious as 'using the club crest' on independant websites etc etc... I can promise you on my childrens life, there is no cost to a payment plan, I am certain of this... so whatever reason the club have pulled it, it's not cost. All of the other events, the late announcement, the 30 renewal period, the removal of half-season tickets, the removal of payment plan, the complete lack of press and media advertising and coverage on their website... it all points to the club not wanting to have season ticket holders and trying to get as much revenue on a match by match basis. They certainly are not that bothered about having season ticket holders, that is clear to see and I do not know how anyone can say any different ( maybe that makes me sound arrogant, and maybe it's more obvious to me because I work in sales and have worked in marketing/advertising and membership sales ) I think this thread and all the others are going round and round in cirles now, with the Cortese 6 determined to fight to the bitter end. I think I have made my point enough times for me to be able to come back on and say " I told you so " though... Also, if I was you... I would question why people like Steve Grant, Nick Illingsworth, Darren W etc all seem to be making hints that all is not well... remembering that all of them are alot more ITK than us to be able to make their judgements on the situation. Anyway, I will request this locked now as we are going round in circles, and as DullDays stated, there's not alot we can do about it now...
  13. Neither have been approached to run an installment plan for the 2010/2011 season. There wasn't the time last year. So there... they haven't been approached. Could it be any clearer? I don't know if you didnt realise, but our new owners have only been here for 11 months.
  14. No... you're not listening, both Premium and Zebra told me they have not spoken to SFC about running an installment plan this season. I admire your resistance to the truth though, you are a true super Saints fan. xx
  15. Or maybe the club pulling yet another communication with the fans and backing up peoples 'secret society' fears.
  16. There is no set cost. Every plan is completely bespoke... there is no 'book' cost, the clubs cannot guess what the costs are without at least approaching Zebra and Premium, because they are not available in the public domain. The have not approached Zebra, they told me that on the phone and they have not approached Premium, who confirmed that to me by email. Not sure what more proof you need really?
  17. They said it was due to costs. Which was a lie. They didn't even approach Zebra of Premium. This is a FACT If there was a geniune reason, they could have told us rather than lie? Don't you think?
  18. Don't dodge a very simple question. Every club in the land has installments for season tickets* and every club in the land pro-actively tries to sell these season tickets.... apart from Southampton. Are you suggesting that Cortese knows something that Man Utd, Spurs etc etc and every single club in the Championship apart from Doncaster don't know? If so please can you explain your reasoning for this rather than avoiding the question. I am genuinely interested to know your thoughts.
  19. I think the point he is making is that if they have the time to launch an operation involving hundreds of hours of police officer time to jail 12 people for throwing coins, then surely they are indeed overstaffed and can be cut.
  20. Of course it was stupid! Stupid actions by stupid people. Stupid sentances by a stupid justice system. There, how's about that for a nice balanced way to finish?
  21. I think it is more a case of the 'people they actually wanted' were not stupid enough to cause trouble outside the stadium.
  22. Well as VFTT and I have already pointed out. If it was the same old faces then the police would have 5 0'clock knocked them, not plastering them in local press and media trying to find out who the fook they were. Do you not agree?
  23. Don't change the subject, I never made a comment about that. I made a comment in relation to your 2 seperate statements about them doing it regulary and being the same old faces. Please enlighten us as to how you know this?
  24. Don't change the subject, I wasn't picking you up on that. You said it was the same old faces and they do it regulary. How do you know that?
  25. Rest my case. Back on ignore the spineless troll goes.
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