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Everything posted by Gunnery

  1. JayRod Boufal & Tadic for 30 mins....GOALS
  2. I have to say it will be criminal if we don't win this, Claude needs to make a change!
  3. What a save!!! Should be 1-0 Saints
  4. Here it comes ...
  5. Go easy on the popcorn eh?
  6. And you are a clueless manic depressive fat twunt!
  7. Aha, you've appeared, what's up can you smell defeat?
  8. JWP playing v well, how about scoring from a free kick now ...
  9. Doesn't he play for Arsenal?
  10. I agree...but he's not the free kick specialist he's made out to be..
  11. JWP deadly from the free kick again...
  12. Stoke naturally have their tales up now they're down to ten..just need to ride this out
  13. Dirty Stoke fûckers, I hate them!!
  14. Yes Stoke down to ten!!
  15. Great start Saints!!
  16. Did you send your CV to Les in the summer?
  17. Ah fück so he was!!
  18. I wish JayRod would get more game time, how's he ever going to find his rhythm !?
  19. And the award for contradictory post of the week goes to....The Chef off Fawlty Towers!
  20. Saints will win 1-2 JayRod brace.
  21. The OS are bigging up JayRod so I guess he's starting, I hope to god he scores tonight, I think it could open the floodgates!
  22. Shut it Roland or I'll nick your sweets you fat spectacle wearing cünt!!
  23. Wow, anonymous postings on an Internet forum really make you angry don't they!!!
  24. Legend? You'll make me blush!!
  25. How do you tell the difference between a troll and someone who fiercely sticks to his opinion no matter what? I can't, that's why I stick to telling people when I think they are talking shîte, if that gives them a kick then so be it..
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