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Everything posted by lashings97

  1. I agree totally with your protest and respect your ideas but, as long as you turn up to matches the board won't give a ****, vote with your feet, take away their revenue, leave them with an empty stadium if you really want your message to get through, Pellegrino is a virus, he has ripped all our players confidence away from them, he has kept gabby on the bench but expects him to perform at the flick of a coin, bloody ridiculous way to manage a team, also he has kept Lemina on the bench??, does the board really need a kick up the ass to realise that our manager is definitely not UP TO IT. get rid or the entire team will be without confidence or passion, for gods sake board WAKE UP, why cant you see what is right in front of you Pellegrino is ****!!!!!!
  2. Love the posting and your passion for our club, i have decided to vote with my feet, I contacted supporter relations earlier this week just after cancelling my ticket for spurs match, i told the supporters relations that i will never buy another ticket whilst that joker Pellegrino is at saints, if your looking to make a huge statement to the board vote with your feet, an empty stadium would spell it out for them and the cameras. Pellegrino is not just a joke he is a person who sucks all confidence from players by leaving them on the bench after a previous good game, the **** doesn't have a bloody clue and our board aren't much better. 20th January and still no confirmed signings, we must be the laughing stock of the premiere league. So my way of hoping to get through to these untouchables is to vote with my feet and not attend another game until Pellegrino is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. How can you say too expensive, do you want to stay in the dark ages or progress, i believe we spend all 75mill from Vandyke sale if Theo costs us 30mill it is in my opinion money well spent, he is a quality international player, a player highly respected by all in english football, why buy another European player when we have a great player on sale in UK now, we must invest in a quality player like Walcott, if we don't we are doomed to the championship, so come on Pellegrino do something POSITIVE and buy Theo Walcott. Yes his wages are more than we pay but i'm sure every genuine fan would gladly pay £5 more for their ticket if it meant we got Theo back. We will not survive without added quality, we have a great squad but a fumbling manager who doesn't appear to understand our premier league, his substitutions are bloody ridiculous any one else would have been sacked by now at other clubs??.
  4. derry, love it, can we put you forward for manager as you obviously have more idea than our current clown,
  5. totally agree chap, Pellegrino is not a manager if he was he wouldn't have taken boufal off, who was playing very well and brings on Redmond, if Redmond was as good with his feet as he is with his mouth he's be brilliant!!, so sad to see gabby only given 6 minutes again, Pellegrino in my opinion has not got a kin clue!!!!, proven today by his 15 million offer for Theo ?, got to go!! but we hopefully march on?
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