13:45 £10 win Peddlers Cross: Can continue the fine form of Cheltenham winners at Aintree this week
14:50 £5 win Kyber Kim and £2.50 e/w Celestial Hero
15:25 £5e/w Wogan, just because I had a bet on him last time he won, although he didn't impress much betting has to have some superstitions involoved
16:15: £1 e/w Hello Bud, Snowy morning, Ballyfitz, Backstage and The package
17:00: £5e/w Issaquah 9lb more than last year but shouldn't cause it to many problems (what do I know)
17:35 Using Kip's tried and tested way to loose money £5 e/w on Tale Of Tanganyika as I like the name