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  1. Cheers mate, he's quite brave behind a keyboard isn't he! I was warned about the trolling that goes on in this forum. The fact that he's not sorry for purposely trying to embarrass a new user exposes his true character.
  2. "Doubt anyone beyond Liverpool is interested. I'm certainly not." Then what's the point of this rumour page and why are you reading it? You're a little bit too quick to jump on peoples back mate...i was just posting a rumour and you call me a skate! A little bit out of order....
  3. just posting a rumour on VVD on the "Virgil-Transfer-Rumours-Summer-17" page. Or is that not allowed? ;-) Just thought people would be interested...
  4. Yeah I've noticed...been a member for nearly a year but always held off posting because of all the bashing. Thought i'd give it a go as it couldn't be that bad...it took less than 5 minutes for someone to insult me! classic
  5. nope....season ticket holder for the 22 years here is the link http://www.empireofthekop.com/2017/07/13/southampton-are-negotiating-with-liverpool-for-vvd-again-says-lawyer/
  6. Slightly worrying "The South African lawyer Daniel Vanderkamp has claimed that Southampton are now ready to speak to Liverpool again and broker a deal for Virgil van Dijk. Vanderkamp previously worked on many Liverpool deals including the Christian Benteke one, and although he now no longer works in the game, still has his ear to the ground." He tweeted this... Got told things are moving along now with LFC and Southampton. I don't know if he's handed in a request, just that the clubs are back negotiating. I don't think he will have to hand in a request either Big fan of Les but if this is true he'll lose all his credibility
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