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^ Do you do anything else.
Before people start jumping on keyboards beating me up, just wait and see what takes place down there, I haven't seen the plans. This is the backdrop (as far as I know). I'm going to put allegedly here: Apparently, there has been huge issue with residents in some of said houses being allegedly flooded by rain water running off the dome roof and flooding the area, causing havoc with drainage. Staplewood is being redesigned. The word actually used by [person] who told me was "Double the size". That phrase was actually used which is why ~I've typed it, person who told me definitely would know and while I've not seen the plans, I've seen Stadiums built in places you wouldn't think possible. Some guy above posted things about it that I was not directly aware of myself.(?) The dome **may possibly be** changed/moved. Directly from the mouth of a player: the dome also leaks. The whole thing is costing Gao a fortune. He has also, allegedly, bought up land around St Mary's Stadium for additional parking. The club don't tell you this, all you get is a load of **** from Krueger, his 5 pledges and ****-poor diabolically bad coaches appointed by, allegedly, Reed with "bad backs":rolleyes: and a high ranking former employee who "gets wished well" because he allegedly wants to "move in other directions". Like I say, just wait and see what happens. And if it turns out to be massive down there, you can thank me later.
Whatever you peasant.
Could have had Walcott for Loan to buy at the end of the season for less than this.
Gao just got planning permission to DOUBLE the size of Staplewood (100% increase). When Krueger said that dough they got for Van **** was being reinvested, I guess that's what he means.
He was never being bought. It was a loan with the option to buy him later. Arsenal wanted to sell him. Southampton made an identical offer to what he earns now at Arsenal. He was in the bag, Allardyce made his mind up.
^ load of **** Was nothing to do with money ffs!! Anyway as you were...
Money what a load of **** Relegation what a load of **** Fee what a load of **** What this has come down to is one manager came out to the media and said he "really wants him, would love to have him and feels he'd make a real difference to the team." The other (pellegrino) just mumbled about it, said "he's interesting but lots of targets and it's difficult"...Or whatever the **** he said. You're a player, which one are you gonna pick seriously? Southampton had this in the bag and everton have stolen the show.
Balotelli under Reed?...What a load of s***.
Wenger has also just flogged Coq to Spain. If he hasn't already gone he's just about to to Valencia another player bell end Sullivan has missed. Theo needs to throw a wobbler but he won't because mustn't upset jack Wilshire though.
Sorry but that's not true.
^ this and also... Also to add.. If they are good but the parents are still on the fence, that's when the money, house, bills paid etc..etc..comes into it because then clubs work on the parents when they know the kids head is already turned, then if that doesn't work their favorite player at the club (whatever club that is) will be texting them asking how they got on, that player will then have it suggested to them by the club "we need this kid to sign, can you pick him up for training tomorrow etc.." that by itself will usually do it, then if that doesn't work some fictitious agent will be on the blower asking to represent them and the best club for them to join will incidently be the club they are traing at, kid gets bowled over, "agent" disappears (usually a club employee) commits his life to the club, club drops him..kids life in ruins cos they "said it would be forever"....and yadadayda ***gasps*** ran out of breath can't type anymore.
Aww fanx mate. Blushes.
Literally all southampton are doing is waiting for Arsenal to sanction it. Nothing to do with the fee/wages. It's theoretically done.
Of all the things I could have repeated that the F***** echo have written in recent weeks, considering the absolute mess the club is in right now, this would be the least of them. /end.