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Everything posted by choccyboxkid

  1. Very sad indeed I'd also like to apologise on here for mis spelling Mr Gao's surname.and if he is home tomorrow I'll catch him in the lift and apologise to him as well,we are neighbours in Ocean Village (when we both in Southampton).
  2. Thanks for confirming why a few people I know don't post on here, FACT the player and his wife were back down here last week viewing houses and speaking about schools for his 2 kids. When he is officially a Saints player don't worry I won't be back with I told you so post Info I have on Mr Goa and our Manger I'll keep to myself to save you the trouble of posting another witty reply
  3. one deal has been agreed awhile now,player and his family were at Huddersfield game both sides are happy it's sorted.I'm not giving out his name it'll be announced this week. Oh and we can expect a couple more,our new owner was absolutely furious after the 4-1 Leicester debacle,
  4. Any need?
  5. There are plans to redesign level 3 for next season to same standard as the first double box which is stunning,there will be less boxes and a new hospitality suite instead,the Markus Liebherr Lounge sells out every year a seasonal table of 10 costs same as basic box package which shows the pricing of boxes is ridiculous.
  6. I had a parking ticket for the Vitesse game and have a seasonal parking pass for the north car park. Been told there will be no onsite parking this year, seasonal parking will be in the nearby industrial estate.
  7. 07919526447 mob i am home all day
  8. I have 2 tickets for Saints end,I can't make it pick up New Milton
  9. no parking included,huge waiting list for the stadium car park so if i drive to match i park in britannia road £8 compared to other premier clubs it is pretty reasonable, similar suite at Arsenal £470/match even fulham averages at over £200
  10. Pretty sure Liverpool game is sold out in all suites.
  11. £2640 ea inc vat, payable in 2 instalments one before start of season and the other on 1st Dec. Saints bar is £1100, and the Markus Liebherr is just over £3000.
  12. I have 2 season tickets in the presidents suite, started the season in the Terry Paine suite on level 1,waited till the Chelsea match to move into the current room. format hasn't changed all season beer,wine ,coffee and 3 course buffet included. 180 people crammed in for the big games and 140 for the rest which is far better. i am moving into the Markus Liebherr next season as that is smaller the player interview can be pretty pointless to be honest depending on who turns up and at what time. although Adam Lallana was very good saturday next year i think there are plans to use the Terry Paine suite all year as well, it is open for the liverpool game ,they seem to be pushing hospitality hard at the moment
  13. Cat c games are £144 inc vat, i have 2 season tickets in presidents suite, bit disappointed so far to be honest,i can't get any sort of deal for extra tickets even for kids, food is poor and the suite i was shown is still closed it's been delayed twice and won't be open till 1st jan.
  14. Dean Hammond signed for Leicester City today.
  15. Dean Hammond gone to leicester city
  16. +1 i took ten people inc me cost £500 plus drinks in channon club,which is ok,the mlt is far to expensive.next time i would be better off getting a box,got shown around one after brentford game,but it just don't feel like you are at a match!!
  17. started at 1:30 and we left 5:45
  18. i went to brentford game,be warned you will be standing all the time even when eating,(food is good tho),i also received an apology letter and was going to book up again for gillingham but when i phoned i was told nothing has changed,which is a shame because i was looking to use it every home game. on the plus side i won a signed shirt and my boy won the signed ball!!
  19. the song is called sandstorm performed by a guy called darude , it is used by u f c fighter wanderlei silva (the axe murder!) as his intro my first reply!! COYR!
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