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  1. I hope to see Fonte win the PL this year with the Saints! Leicester proved it possible for a smaller team to win the PL and Saints have quality players so it's definitely possible! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. ahaha exactly! There's no getting past Jose! I noticed Martina began to play towards the end of the Season instead of Cedric. Do you guys think Cedric will start more next season with this new manager? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Glad to see so many fans showing the love for Jose! Ahaha yeah Saint-Fred I agree 100 per cent watching him play for Portugal, he was absolutely solid and outstanding, the defensive understanding he was able to form with Pepe was incredible, he's such a commanding presence and leader and 100 per cent the Euros made me appreciate him a lot more. I always knew he was a good player from watching a few Saints games and was always impressed and always wanted him to get selected and he finally did last year! I don't know if many people will agree but I honestly think you guys have one of the best centre backs in the world! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I'm Portuguese, I'm not a Southampton fan but I wanted to get Saints fans opinions on these two players based on the Euro and if that's made you like them even more Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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