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Ex Lion Tamer

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Everything posted by Ex Lion Tamer

  1. A great performance, he dominated Norwich when he came on. However, I still feel he needs to do it against more of the bigger teams to prove he's worth taking to the World Cup. It's worth noting that his goals and assists this season have been against: WBA, CPL, FUL, HUL, AVL, TOT, CAR, FUL (again), STK, NOR, Scotland, Moldova
  2. I love Rickie as much as anyone but if Carroll can stay fit then I think he will bang in the goals for WHM and book his place. Rickie is out of form and needs to start making more of an impact. I fear age is catching up with him though - we saw it with Grant Holt in his second Premier League season too. Sturridge Rooney Welbeck Carroll Would be my strikers, assuming Carroll puts a run of games together.
  3. I suggest you brace yourself for that fact that we won't get much more than £20m for him. That is a lot for a player his age who isn't the finished article
  4. I haven't watched these yet. A true legend of rock though, of course
  5. Glad they saved BBC4, some of their music documentaries are really good. Does BBC really save that money by making BBC3 online only? Surely they'll have to cut the number of new programmes as well? Edit: Yes, they are cutting the programmes as well, it would help if I read the story first.
  6. Demichellis is a huge weak spot for City and it's amazing he is even there
  7. Can't remember if I read it here or not but Dean Ashton said in an a fanzine interview that Pardew was too easy going and friendly with the players, which affected their performance
  8. I agree that VAT is a regressive tax and would reduce it, but my main point is that i wouldn't replace income tax with a flat tax. I don't know enough about the Russian example to know if that's what they did or not. I assumed they replaced all taxes. Tax take could have risen for any number of reasons though, and the imf report suggests the the flat tax wasn't the cause
  9. You left out the next paragraph: "The Russian example is often used as proof of the validity of this analysis, despite an International Monetary Fund study in 2006 which found that there was no sign "of Laffer-type behavioral responses generating revenue increases from the tax cut elements of these reforms" in Russia or in other countries" And even if there was, what was the effect on inequality and the poorest?
  10. Er ok, the answer to your question is yes, I do think someone who works 50% harder should get 50% more money. If we could measure the amount of hard work that, for example, a nurse does, and ensure they earn the same as a investment banker who works that hard, that would be great. But such a system is literally impossible, so I don't understand why you asked the question.
  11. I take the point that it would reduce tax avoidance but I can't help feeling it would nevertheless lead to either far lower total tax revenues or a far greater burden on the poor, depending what level it is set at. Willing to see any evidence otherwise
  12. Your question clearly implies that you think that people should be paid 50% more for working 50% harder. But due to all the other factors, such a system is impossible. So why ask the question? Also, how does someone work 50% harder than someone else? How do you measure that? Yes, you clearly take things very literally if you thought I wanted everyone in the UK to earn exactly the same amount of money.
  13. Its such a hilarious misconception to think that the amount people earn correlates to how hard they work. Upbringing, education, innate intelligence, luck, mental health and chosen industry are all just as important, if not more. Also, your first point is confusing. No one is saying that there shouldn't be some people with more money than others - just that the gap needs to be reduced.
  14. If too much money is concentrated at the top, then the middle and working classes don't have as much to spend on goods and services, so companies are less likely to be profitable, and the economy is less likely to grow.
  15. Well the UK has a high level of inequality compared to most countries, so we're obviously not redistributing enough. Also this article says: "In the most controversial finding, the study concludes that redistributing wealth, largely through taxation, does not significantly impact growth unless the intervention is extreme." I don't think our tax levels would be classed as extreme.
  16. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/feb/26/imf-inequality-economic-growth What say our resident forum economic experts? Will the penny finally drop that the argument against taxing the rich is an ethos propagated by the rich themselves for personal gain, rather than something that is rooted in reality?
  17. He was good but the Fonz was always the one with the star quality, so they managed fine without him
  18. When Cortese quit, everyone was expecting our season to nosedive and we ended up playing great. I reckon this will be 0-0 though, WHAM have really tightened up at the back
  19. Where did you hear this? The agent thing is apparently why Ravel Morrison wanted to go to Fulham, according to an article in the Guardian the other day
  20. Surely the mistake is selling a 20 year old for next to nothing when he's only had 11 games to prove himself
  21. It is fairer to take the whole squad into account though. Without VW and Gaston we would have been weaker over the course of the season. Also I expect our wage bill is higher than average
  22. Let's win the cup, it's worth it whatever happens. Your optimism about next season is admirable but really, we're not going to spend loads of money in the summer. Let's take our chance while we've got a great team.
  23. He did a great job for Espanyol under difficult circumstances until it went wrong in the last season. He is very well thought of in Spain
  24. Obviously the biggest issue is transfer policy this summer. But aside from that I'm keen to know if we will get stripes back next season, and wonder if there is anything that can be done to ensure the idea is in the directors' heads before the decision is made
  25. I thank UKIP for splitting the right like the left has been split for years. Finally we might get an even contest
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