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Soggy Bottom

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Everything posted by Soggy Bottom

  1. Wow, they do not like Keane.
  2. Thanks Spudgun nice to here
  3. Striker onloan
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj_06hLQPdk
  5. England keepers had the same, I remember an interview with James.
  6. Got back a while a go, great match, never sung so much got a sore throat & the burger in the Wellington was cracking.
  7. Sat in kfc in baker street can't believe pubs are shut great game in aserch of a pub on way to Victoria station
  8. Cool i'm in 243 or 247 got 4 tickets in total so not sure where to sit 243 looks better to atmosphere
  9. Seats 243 row 10 or 247 haven't decided yet
  10. Yes, jumper on top at first, then ******** to them once in. I have a training top anyway not shirt does that count ?
  11. I have Club Wembley tickets too.
  12. I thought you could only get one ticket ?
  13. Looks like a con to me, looks like you have to pay, I think I'll stay clear. keep checking myp2p
  14. We seem to be calling peoples bluff whether its the player or the club, we seem to be interested, they don't agree with our price, we walk get interested in another player & boom the first player/club comes back & agree a deal.
  15. WOW that site is just full of advertising I guess thats what paying for it.
  16. Maybe they're forcing his hand, takes the flake of the club when a player puts in a transfer request, it's all the players fault then, they save face to losing there best player to a lower league team.
  17. You can't get rid of palyers if no-one wants them or they don't want to move. You can't just wait until there contracts are up. There's alot of games in this league you need a big squad of good players to achive the overall goal.
  18. So does that mean there's one left ? Stock or Danns ?
  19. Twitter says next signing to be known in 20 mins that was 10 mins ago
  20. Better version http://www.itv.com/sport/football/news/facup/matchreports/report-southampton-v-luton-868617133.html
  21. Get Rooney, I can put it on the back on my boys shirts.
  22. Sorry to highjack the thread but is this the same Yahia, that played for us in the res, a few years ago. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/africa/8367431.stm
  23. Ahh but don't forget were on Sky as well to jinx in one :mad:
  24. Frankly I can't believe you have written that tosh, 360 is much better platform than PS3
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