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Soggy Bottom

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Everything posted by Soggy Bottom

  1. Is that from fact or just a feeling
  2. let's get the ball rolling which one http://www.swissbillionaires.fws1.com/
  3. A lot of reasons above, but the icing on the cake for me was the 4-0 thumping we gave them in 2003, not the win for us, but the angry display of the Spurs fans which frightened a lot of children in the crowd. :mad:
  4. Why are they waiting in the wings, are they not allowed to bid ?
  5. Wasn't Fry part of the AFCB Administrators, surely he wouldn't trust Marc Jackson again after what happen last time.
  6. Ahh,,,,,, but isn't tomorrow yesterdays today.
  7. OOOOHHHHH, I wonder who major financier
  8. 4 going through Due dilligence, interesting, other bidders dropped out as soon as we were relegated.
  9. I want to know more about the Yacht story Trousers get your Yacht spotter out see if Bizzle can point out the yacht Do yachts have earlobs ?
  10. That's modern day footballers for you mate.
  11. Bubba Gump Shrimp, it's a household name Those look like comfortable shoes, I remember my first shoes, they were my magic shoes, mumma said they could take me anywhere.
  12. Here comes the muck spreading. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/2009/04/27/southampton-2-2-burnley-saints-fans-run-amok-at-10-point-penalty-115875-21311507/
  13. They don't want us to appeal, because it's going to open a can of worms. They want this put to bed as soon as possible, you watch them change the rules as soon as the dust settles. It sounds like a boys asking why he needs to pick up his coat and the parent says "because I said so, that's why"
  14. Many court cases have been won, because of loop holes.
  15. Well it's nice to make a fresh start, lets see what happens, I've already looked at what grounds to goto. I've got a shed, i've got a shed that's bigger than this, it's got a door and a window, etc Never mind Que Sera, Sera, Whatever Will Be, Will Be
  16. you've heard he's Scrooge McDuck
  17. What if you bought an old Ferrari and spent some money to get it up and running. Most Billionaires have new Ferrari, but you would have a one that nobody else has. The fun is in the making, no point buying a airfix model already completed
  18. Is it true that his mum lives in the New Forest area
  19. Might be nothing but there was a 2.10 announcement on LSE http://www.londonstockexchange.com/en-gb/pricesnews/prices/system/detailedprices.htm?ti=SOO Southampton Leisure Holdings plc ("SLH" or "the Company") The joint administrators of the Company note the recent press speculation in regard to the sale of the Company. The joint administrators confirm that they are soliciting offers for both the Company and its main asset, Southampton Football Club Limited. A further announcement will be made in due course. In accordance with Rule 2.10 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, SLH confirms that it currently has in issue 28,090,896 ordinary shares of 5p each, (no shares are held in treasury) and admitted to trading on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange. In addition, the following options are also outstanding: Date of grant Number of Shares Period of Options Exercise Price per share 5 May 2004 200,000 5 April 2007 to 5 April 2011 46p The International Securities Identification Number for SLH's ordinary shares is GB0007922114. For further information: Begbies Traynor (South) LLP Mark Fry Tel: 0207 398 3800 Also Bid Situation has now been added
  20. So are they still on the Football board ?
  21. Does this mean the club has been sold. Clutch those straws guys
  22. Fans have always known how bad the situation is Nick, you and Lowe aren't the only people who can read between the lines.
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