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New Forest Steve

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Everything posted by New Forest Steve

  1. Nice touch Ronald, I'll try to refrain from calling you a 'fat ginger Tintin' in future .... serious tho' respect for the sentiment RK
  2. ... not specifically what I said but I'm sure you know that
  3. Hehe, Zach !! Got my first couple of tattoo's off him just after I left school. He'd leave a note on the shop door and you'd have to go drag him, half cut, out of the Glebe before getting inked up for life ...... I can see the pitfalls to this modus operandi now but at the time it seemed like a great idea. Anyway back on thread it's interesting to note that the general concensus is that money and business interests are ruining the game so to play devils advocate, I'd like to remind people how it was before the Prem was formed and Sky's involvement, as I've not seen it mentioned here. Back in the 80's and start of the 90's English football was in a very dark place. Football hooliganism, a European competition ban, run down and unsafe stadiums, Heysel, Hillsborough, the Bradford fire, plummeting attendances. The game was run down and in a very sorry state. Something had to give. English football needed a big overhaul and these things cost money ... lots of it. Cue Sky and foreign investment. Like it or not, massive investment was essential at the time and once it came it was here to stay
  4. toned it down a bit with the edit then 'The9' ? ...... you're just a big softie
  5. Oh and there was the bit where he was asked how different it would be playing Sparta as opposed to usual Prem opposition to which he replied .....? .... ? .... [lots of words and noises]............. actually, I don't think he answered the question but I might be wrong
  6. He iz err err err looking err forward to err err looking forward ze game
  7. Personally, I can't get enough of the modern game and the Premier League with all it's wealth of hugely talented, ridiculously overpaid superstars. I'm not really that bothered by how commercial it's become ..... find it as exciting as ever and it's a sh_t load more accessible than it used to be. Edit ...... and Southampton FC always make me buzz !!
  8. Looking through a few posts, I get the impression that people use 'Southampton' or 'Southampton FC' to emphasise their pride in the club and the path it's on.
  9. You're a moaner ... this is not a jokey 'back at ya' .... imho you are a moaner
  10. .... it's nail on the head time in just four words .... impressive and efficient, petts
  11. Yeah but the European Club Index doesn't take form into to account and we're struggling for goals at the moment.
  12. Yeah I know. Just being defensive because I can't make it due to work commitments .... and I'm not happy I can tell you
  13. There are no weak teams in our group. HBS and Sparta will be just as hard to beat as Inter. Edit: sorry Tex, just got what you mean't .... imo we need to play our strongest team available in every game, be it europa or prem. We pay them obscene amounts of money to play not rest (a month into the season ffs !!)
  14. There's lots of reasons people can't get to midweek games .... parental commitments, living or working outside the area or they're just too skint to do two games in a week. Doesn't make them drama queens with an agenda. It just means they can't make it, so they'll catch it on TV instead.
  15. Aw chin up Dave, you might be feeling bizarre and unnecessary today but you shouldn't lose hope. I'm sure things will pick up.
  16. Read his original post, he's not suggesting anything of the sort. It's everyone else doing the assuming .... 2+2=5 on here, surely you know that
  17. Hehe, soz, my bad!!... just assumed the Pearl Harbour restaurant would be Japanese and you were being a bit dumb .... and now I find out it was me being dumb all along. .... but not as dumb as the person who was inspired to call a chinky the 'Pearl Harbour'
  18. not according to google ..... though there does appear to be a Pearl Harbourfront chinese restaurant in Toronto
  19. Chinese people don't eat Japanese food
  20. .... first time I've heard it
  21. but he just did ..... and you did it Edit: well I think he did ... tbh not really sure what blathering is
  22. not the same person then .... or are you ? I think your both making the same point
  23. completely agree .... we've worked hard enough to get there and last year was embarrassing
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