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New Forest Steve

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Everything posted by New Forest Steve

  1. If Spain don't call him up
  2. ?? .... you said sportsmania was the best a couple weeks ago, so I subscribed. Now you're saying sportsnation is the best. Not that I'm bothered, SM's excellent anyway
  3. Which argument..... that Game of Thrones is worth watching a second time ?
  4. Ah ..... 'Oh Really ?' .... got it !! THNX
  5. I've been wracking my brains but 'ORLY' ???
  6. I don't doubt the statement was drafted by club lawyers but why would there be a claim for constructive dismissal if he hasn't been dismissed ?
  7. Or it could just be the club being transparent to the public as to how things stand at the moment ..... why the cynicism ?
  8. AR10's still firing blanks then ....... still, good to see that bully Batman didn't scare him off
  9. .... but they're delicate little souls ... what if they've already seen Game of Thrones ?
  10. Anyone can see he's run out of ideas and has become so predictable ......... Puel out
  11. 5.5 hour flight, 2.5 hrs to clear the airport and get home .... not back 'til gone 11pm !! Presumably travelling to Leicester tomorrow ... glad we left a few at home resting.
  12. FFS ..... we're premier league, that surely makes us dignitaries !! Seriously though, hope they're holed up in a hotel not in an airport waiting lounge.
  13. Exemplary grammar and punctuation
  14. It was hard for Redmond and Long last night but think it would of been for whoever was playing up front. Our game plan was primarily to keep things tight with a high defensive line and deep midfield, then hit them on the counter. The problem was, they never really pressed us as you'd expect a home team to do. They played it quite smart really by always leaving two strikers up the pitch, even when defending their goal. This resulted in both teams defending deep, with a stretched midfield and precious little opportunity for strikers to break free from their shackles. Without being particularly creative, Be'er Sheeva are a good team. They had obviously done their homework and showed us a lot of respect. They were well aware how difficult our defence would be to crack and how dominant we can be in midfield. I don't think they really fancied their chances going toe to toe with us and played for the draw........ and tbf, a draw against arguably the strongest team in the group, is a good result for them even at home. I think they will be just as happy with the point as we are.
  15. Good post John Boy. We came away with a good point and a clean sheet, in difficult conditions after a grueling journey. ....... it does make me smile tho', when people contradict themselves
  16. There should be a full stop after etc., as it's an abbreviation. Also, I was always taught that a comma was not required before the word 'but'. Personally, I take pride in using good grammar. I do not however, see the need to be condescending to someone who has inadvertently, or unknowingly, made a grammatical error, particularly when you're not perfect yourself. I think this was Dutchies' point in his original post and is why I agreed with him. btw. Did you like like my 'clever clogs' quip, to Dutchie ?
  17. I was quite happy to have him here if the club decided he was the man to help Puel overcome the language barrier, so please don't speak on my behalf Nordic
  18. I think Claude's priority is to win every game, which is why he's left at home those he considers are not in 100% condition. Anyone else getting really excited now ?
  19. In which case, I'll put that down to a typo and compliment you on your remarkable english .... btw. I'm in complete agreement with your original post to 'clever clogs' Dangermouth. ........ just thought I'd shoehorn in a bit of wit of my own, for you Dutchie
  20. wearing his budgie smugglers under his trackies even after his transfer to Liverpool .... now that's loyalty for you, Lallana take note.
  21. Failing that sportsdevil addon is free but don't expect to see the first 10 mins of the game. It can be hard work to find what you want and normally the feed quality ain't great. Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
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