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  1. Men V boys tonight. Very likely another 5+ defeat. In fact 5-0 may be a bonus.....could be a lot worse.
  2. half time.......we should be so lucky!
  3. I fully expect us to lose every game upto Xmas, WHU on boxing day is the next glimmer of hope for a point followed by Palace away......we really are fucked. Can we better Derbys 11 pt record?
  4. RM`s "system" is just not working, there is no plan B. He takes the coaching, picks the team and gives them instructions. After yet another poor defeat he says we should do more with the ball. WTF does he coach then? Its his team following his style of play, it just does not work. If he won`t change then he has to go. Here`s a thought, how about an absolute punt on RVN? Give him till the end of the season, he`s got a decent coaching staff with him, and could he do any worse?
  5. Positives from this, hard to give any. If we persist in playing championship/league one standard players then we will,lose every week. We need a keeper. We can carry one but can not play both of Stephens and Jan. can not play Smallbone. Edoze shouldn’t be anywhere near a prem squad let alone on the pitch. We did not threaten, could not defend and were 2nd best. No arguement about the score_ we are not in trouble yet, but unless there is a drastic rethink in Tatics and personnel we will be.
  6. Lets face it, we have far too many players not of premier league standard. This game is done, and unless we sign some players for the "spine" of the tm the same may may be said for this season. I Hope I`m wrong, but take a look, GK, someone to play alongside FD in def mid, an attack mid, and another striker....maybe another CD, all in all not looking too good, as it stands.
  7. Have to say I am astounded by the assumption that NJ could have taken the relegation squad and new additions to a 4th place in the championship. He lost the dressing room last season, had he stayed we would have gone down with even less points, and all the decent players would have gone. Would KWP had stayed under Jones? I think not, in fact would any senior players have stayed? We would have started the season in total disarray, any new guys coming in would not have come into any dressing room harmony, it would have been the prefect storm for total implosion. I am not a RM fan, far from it, I can not understand his obsession with shoehorning in a dreadful Stephens, with a stubborn determination to continue with GB, with playing players out of position and leaving players who can play on the bench, bizarre at best, but he has got us playing some good football at times, and at times we look very good, something that NJ NEVER even came close too.
  8. I know Nathan Jones is getting a lot of stick, but really is he responsible? No it is our board, NJ should never have been appointed, RH probably should have gone in the summer, and on top of that, we started the season with a load of youngsters in the team, no striker, and no spine and the only leader type we had, we sold late on (Oriel Romeo). We can not blame NJ for taking the job (bet he now wishes he hadn`t!), but he is rapidly heading for some kind of breakdown! He is so far out of his depth he needs a submarine! All of our problems this season are the boards fault, the owners fault, and next season we will have to see who is left to kick off our season in the championship, because our beloved owners will try and get as much as possible for any player to recoup the losses. We really could be in a worse position than we were in before, with no ML to come in and rescue us.# Thank you board, you useless load of t@@ts, you know nothing about football, and you have destroyed this club.
  9. Back from the game. 1st half shite 2nd half started ok, scored then shite, been firmly supporting Ralph, but after wolves and villa now this enough is enough. Either he has no,idea or the squad don`t, as we beat Chelsea I assume the players can give a shit sometimes, it appears the manager does not know his arse from his elbow. Who’s next?
  10. Think we all know, or at least expect that this will be another heavy defeat. 4 of the last 5 league games have been dreadful (leeds being the exception). Our so called players have not been doing the jobs that they are very well paid for, and really do not seem to care. As always I will be there, but am looking forward to the prematch beers with friends rather than the match. As someone else has already said, if we perform as badly this time at least we can all f off back to the pub and watch the cup game, that way we get to see some football being played.
  11. For me, Zaha is the obvious choice, he is always fouled in his opinion, he dives and is a nasty niggly shit who can not believe any ref would dare book him, always nice to read he has had a red! Other candidates , Vardy (nasty shit on the pitch), Ferandez diving complaining niggly shit as well, in fact I could go on and on. So had better stop now
  12. Just back from the game, and have not read any posts so far. All I can say is thank you JWP for costing us 2 pts. WTF were you doing with 2 mins left? Meant to be an international and can not clear a ball. 2 pts thrown away thanks to our dead ball specialist. Nuff said
  13. This is a really good topic. A very hard one to answer, I keep changing my mind, but here goes. Shilts Golac Wright Killer Bridge Williams Ball Holmes Channon Keegan Lambert Subs Anti MLT Morgan Mills VvD Shearer Paine In fact could easily pick 2 or 3 teams with real quality, Cant fit in Ron Davis, big Vic, Fonte, Dennis, Case, Boyer, Bale, and so many more other favourites over the years
  14. To me it has been obvious for at least the last 3 seasons that our keepers were not upto standard. Nothing has been done about it. We have been poor defensively during this period partly because of a lack in confidence in the chosen sub standard keeper and partly because some of our defenders have also been sub standard. Again very little done about that. We have now arrived at a point where we start a game with Mccarthy and Stephens in as first choices, seriously is anybody surprised that we concede 3 goals? Unless there is a total rethink in team selection then I agree with some of the previous posters, we could be in for a record defeat, but are the ones to come in actually any better than the ones to be replaced........Stephens - Bednarak, Mccarthy - Forster and you can go on and on, we are left with sub standard players and there is only one way this season is going to pan out.
  15. Relegation battle all season, which fails. Relegated by easter
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