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Everything posted by Bentley

  1. Non violent Ku Klux Klan? That's like a non-violent rapist.
  2. Some of the Arsenal comments are pretty ridiculous from the pundits. "They aren't ruthless enough." "They need that 'Fox in the box'" Their goal average just dropped below 3 after tonight!
  3. "Dutch girls shouldn't be judged for having big boobs." "If anything, they should be rewarded."
  4. I love them as well, saw them at a gig recently, then saw the single was a free download at I-Tunes. I bought the whole EP, well worth 5 pounds. I like their Beach Boys style harmonies which have obviously been mixed and shaped in with todays music.
  5. The Drums - Let's Go Surfing
  6. Naughty Dog are very clever for that, saying that they had his pace slowed down and more pain sounds added in than usual in that sequence, all to immerse the player and make them feel how bad it's gone for Drake through the trudgeness (is that a word? It is now.) and bleakness of the snowy landscape with an injury. Haven't completed it yet, but the other train bit is the best bit of the game for me so far.
  7. It's truly challenging Half-Life 2 in my 'Best games ever played' list.
  8. I concur. I've watched a couple of episodes of it now, and it's pretty girly. The main vampire Bill is the type of man that women are into; Brooding, mysterious, tall... etc. Nothing else to his character that appeals to the other sex really. I've never watched it and thought "I wish I could be like him". You want good Vampire drama? 'Let The Right One In'. Whether it's the book or the film, you can't go wrong.
  9. Good. Order online and impatiently wait like the rest of us! I don't trust Play to deliver it on time, and Shopto are a mess. I stick with Amazon, but unlike Play, you don't get the chance of it to be delivered a day early. Which is better than not getting the delivery on the release day guarenteed. Which Play failed for with me on a couple of titles. *waves fist*
  10. A camel through the eye of a needle.
  11. Is the lass on there from X-Men films? I also got too overexcited when I saw Frank Sobotka from 'The Wire' in it.
  12. Bentley


    I thought he was alright.
  13. Connor_D
  14. Just got £10 refund on my Amazon delivery! Got it for £28 quid altogether, not bad for a 8:30am delivery to my house on Friday.
  15. Been playing Live Season alot, seemed to have rectified my goalscoring problem, but only against the big teams wierdly! http://www.easports.com/media/play/video/10112596 - First goalkeeping glitch I've seen, was clearly going wide but Foster palmed it in. http://www.easports.com/media/play/video/10124568 - An actual good goal!
  16. Anyone finding that the ref gets in the way of players/passes? Happened to me in FIFA09, maybe once in all the time I played it. Now it seems to happen every other match! They even added commentary for it.
  17. It's really good. Passing is amazing, I like the slow build up play that is like football in real life. Are we all playing on World Class difficulty? I have no complaints apart from: Everyone plays as Real Madrid online Everyone quits when I start to lead online Live Season isn't free again, bloody EA trying to squeeze every last penny It may be a bit too hard to score. I chose Arsenal as my team for the free 'Your live season' thing (annoying as you can't choose Saints/any lower league teams, I have a slight soft spot for the Gunners anyway.), and remember the first two games they played? 6-1 and 2-1 if I recall correctly. Both been nil-nils for me. If I put the difficulty any lower, it becomes to easy to score and I just dominate the computer. But otherwise, amazing game.
  18. Nas - Illmatic Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine Jay-Z - The Blueprint III
  19. Just read the Kotaku review, which is the gaming site I trust the most. http://kotaku.com/5369539/uncharted-2-among-thieves-review-fortune-shines-on-drake Doesn't give the games a score which I like, but it's only negative is something which has no relation to the game, and has since been removed! Just checked on the metacritic, it has 98... couldn't be more excited for it.
  20. Yeah, I saw that poll on the forum you mentioned, then some played the WE10 demo. http://www.pesgaming.com/showthread.php?t=72831
  21. As a 'Will probably buy both games' man (AKA, nerd). The demo for PES2010 was 70% build over here. If you download Winning 11 demo in Japan, it's 90%. You'll be surprised how much difference there is between them. Pro Evo definitely isn't as bad as people are making out it is. It does some aspects better than FIFA, such as shooting and crossing, but is a lot less polished. So while I like FIFA better than Pro Evo at the moment, and it all comes down to opinions, if anyone says to you that Pro Evo is getting worse, immediately disregard that.
  22. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=452163&postcount=212 On a thread that Delldays was one of the posters defending the English Defense League. "Am I the only one who thinks everything which leads up to topics like this is because of certain media outlets?" I think it was pretty much proven with this thread.
  23. I got it two days ago... It's a bit... meh.
  24. Oh dear.
  25. Playing beta at the moment, loved the first one, it sits in my top 5 games of all time. This one seems same gameplay-wise. Added multiplayer is fun, and I can see myself returning to it once I finish the story. Graphics seem better. So all they need to do is not screw up the story and it's almost perfect for me.
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