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Everything posted by Bentley

  1. Media will blow it out of proportion in tomorrows papers. But this is the truth. It won't happen.
  2. Arsenal at Home. Just so we get the gate receipts.
  3. Can we get the picard smiley from Football365? It would be so useful.
  4. I thought Dixon was good on MOTD2 last night. Much better than a seemingly very bitter Alan Hansen, who (commenting on the Arsenal/Liverpool game), thought Fabregas should have had a red card, claiming that Johnson 'could have gone down there' which I can only assume is condoning diving, and that Liverpool were defeated by 'two individual errors'! While the own goal was unlucky, Arshavins touch to set up his goal was brilliant and Liverpool didn't ever threaten from that moment on. However much I think Hansen and Lawro are awful (Shearer is good though), MOTD's pundits are infinitely better than Sky Sports. Ever seen the Champions League games where Richard Keys sits with 3 randomly selected ex-players, managers etc? It's like the most awkward event ever for all of them, unlike on BBC where the pundits know each other and aren't afraid to challenge each other.
  5. Wengers laughing to the bank with the profit he got from selling Toure and Adebayor to Hughes, while he bought Vermaelen. Who is far, far better than Toure.
  6. Shouldn't we also do best albums of the decade? Or doesn't that work till the end of 2010? It's going to be an interesting discussion, whenever it is.
  7. Pay up Pompey...
  8. Ah, but unfortunately, I'm not a teenage girl. So my music taste differs quite a bit.
  9. In no particular order. XX - The XX Don't Stop - Annie Fantasies - Metric I Had the Blues But I Shook Them Loose - Bombay Bicycle Club Welcome to the Walk Alone - The Rumble Strips Everything is New - Jack Penate Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix - Phoenix I Told You I Was Freaky - Flight of the Conchords Tongue 'n' Cheek - Dizzee Rascal Wilco (The Album) - Wilco Personally hasn't been an amazing year, but there are some diamonds in the rough which will stand the test of time.
  10. Football Weekly 5 Live film reviews with Mark Kermode Invisible Walls (computer game podcast, very geeky I know!)
  11. I don't think there is a better example of a film falling apart half-way through like Han**** does.
  12. Arsenal at St Marys. So we can get thrashed in style and concentrate on the league.
  13. Panasonics are the best make. Full HD is 1080p. HD Ready will either be 720p or 1080i.
  14. Playing on the PC version on Steam and the Single-Player has a glitch... > Whenever you aim down the iron-sights, the screen turns about 80% blinding white in colour. So it's pretty much impossible to progress, as shooting from the hip is quite hard, especially as this happened on the mission where you have to precisely shoot someone in the leg running away from you... Multiplayers fine though, and very, very fun. Just unlocked heartbeat sensor for the M4, so going to go online and see how that works!
  15. I've been playing it on steam, it's good. Nothing really changes from the original, melee weapons do add the rather annoying question of "Do I want a pistol or a baseball bat", the latter usually wins in my case. Handy in crowded situations. Seems to be a bit harder than the original. I'm playing on expert, online with friends, and we have completed a total of one campaign, and it took us 2 and a bit hours. The new special infected slip into the frame nicely, apart from the Jockey. The Jockey is this little weasel/chimp/man like monstrosity whose bark is severely worse than his bite. His main attack is just to jump on players backs and lean them into danger. His hits while riding you (1 every 3 seconds) take off 10hp I think. That's less than a regular zombie does on expert. I played versus earlier, and was having fun as every zombie apart from this one. The best tactic to play with him is to just slash people using secondary attack, but it feels cheap to do so. And also, unfortunately, your team-mates AI (if you don't have enough friends about at the time), is just dire. Ellis (who you will either love with his inane comments or hate him) was being controlled by the computer on 'Hard Rain', me and my other friends had just fought of tonnes of zombie hordes, but the boat had arrived and we all jumped on deck. Ellis however, was fighting zombies and didn't come to us. A tank then appeared and got onto the deck, and in one swift lash of his fist, knocked us all dead into the ocean. Not a gamebreaker, but you will definitely notice it.
  16. It's truly awful. The acting is hammy, the script is predictable and it's actually boring! You think seeing the trailer it's going to be amazing non-stop thrill ride but after seeing them escape the same falling piece of ground underneath their car... you get a bit tired. I was sitting in the back row with no-one else with me surprisingly, so I got the I-Phone out (making sure it was on silent, and the light wasn't distracting for other members of the public of course) and was looking at the rugby and football scores instead. I preferred that. It gets 1 for the quality of the CGI and 1 for having an end. 2/10.
  17. Downloading on Steam for the PC now, it's at 89%! Have heard nothing but good things about this game, can't wait to play it. Bioware only make good games.
  18. I'm a christian. I can't really prove God exists, but I will tell you why I think he exists. I was on a gap year I took helping in Africa last year. I was in Gambia and was in a small village which was worshiping God inside the local church. There was a crowd laying hands on this blind man who had the 'milkyest' blind eyes I'd ever seen. So I layed hands on him and started praying with the others, I literally saw his eyes heal. In front of me. I wouldn't lie about this, nor was I affected by the heat. It was a miracle and that's how I feel there is a higher power above us. It all comes from personal experiences, ones which when other people hear about it, is going to be hard for them to imagine. That's because it's the only proof which will convince people without God popping out from the clouds and saying 'Hey' to everyone. The whole deal of getting into heaven is if whether you chose to acknowledge what people said about God from your time on earth. That's why there has to be skepticism, it's a test of faith. Some of the comments on here are just quite concerning though. I remember reading someone who said "they automatically judge people if they say they are a christian". Come on, be fair. Judge the ones who push their faith on you by all means, but when someone like me who would rather have a pint down the pub and talk crap all night says I'm a christian, you would be judging? That's surely a religious form of racism! MLG is probably just trolling. I mean seriously, someone can't bring up some unproven fact about how religion has caused all the wars in the world and not bring up the worldwide help millions of faith based organizations have given. No-one could be that stupid. My two cents. Summary - I won't make you believe what you don't want to. I want the same treatment.
  19. I thought you didn't trust IGN
  20. Thought Michael Svensson deserved a mention somewhere, even if it was number 50!
  21. I like this post.
  22. I also remember hating Evil Monkey because he spammed absolute drivel on every thread back in the days of Banter Central. Now he's actually one of the few posters who makes me generally laugh! I feel it's because the quality of posts have gone down though.
  23. There was a legendary character called 'Dean the Bean' who joined and posted in there, and got the absolute **** taken out of him. Then his mother actually contacted Keith and said he was autistic, which took the shine off the character a bit. Then his sister joined and the 'lulz' continued. It's hard to keep up with all of the posters name changes with every site we move from. If I'm correct, the ones who I looked out for posts/threads are/were... Ascoli = Deepest Darkest Dorset Ferndown Saint = Bungle Beckenham Saint = Rattlehead Fortunately Mao Cap has kept his name the same through every change. God knows where I would be without his nuggets of wisdom. Best ever thread was 'Mark Loves Amy'. I remember all of us asking it to be moved to the 'Golden Posts' section, but it never did, and alas, lost from the interwebs forever.
  24. ****, that's quite hard. I think we can win under Pardew though. (2nd time lucky)
  25. Felt short for me as well, however, when I saw my stats at the end, it said I'd been playing for 13 hours! I'm sure the nonstop action just made it feel more like 8 hours. Now moving onto Hardened, co-op action with friends, and multiplayer till Modern Warfare arrives.
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