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Everything posted by Bentley

  1. Going to be Maynard, delighted
  2. For what its worth, Fourth_Official is pretty much on the ball with all his rumours.
  3. I like his twitter updates. Seems like a nice guy.
  4. I don't think many Arsenal fans would want him after comments he said about Wenger during his time in England
  5. I'm glad someone got the joke...
  6. If they get married, will they have a double barrel surname? Probably not.
  7. Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
  8. Bentley


    Putting Wilshere in the squad would help a tiny bit, but I don't think people realise that the way he's been taught to play (Arsene Wenger style) won't work for the other players. He passes quickly, likes quick one-twos (see Benzema and Malouda last night) and the ball played along the ground into space. I think Gerrard would be the only one from last nights team who would realise that, but at the same time, I doubt that he would resist a chance for a shot from outside the box when he receives the ball. He also needs to stop trying so many ****ing 'Hollywood' balls. Gibbs was bursting down the left about 3 metres in front of Gerrard, and Gerrard decided to spin 180 on his heels to try and hit a ball to Walcott. I'll hold my judgement of Henderson, because he unselfishly passed to Gyan at the weekend at Stamford Bridge rather than try and take it for himself. Barry is just god awful. How he gets a game is beyond me. Everyones calling for Crouch to be played, but it's one issue I can sympathize with Capello on. Crouch has got most of his goals against the rubbish teams, and I just don't feel confident for him against a top side.
  9. Multiplayers great. Singleplayer is shorter than Medal of Honour though... I don't even know how they got away with that.
  10. Got it recently, have to say, I am enjoying the single player Master League much much more than FIFA's single player equivalent. The multiplayer is probably better on FIFA though.
  11. This is a perfect review of it, my feelings exactly.
  12. I scored a wonder goal in the demo, will pick it up once I get paid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFHAAZKhjP4 Ignore those 'dodgy' sounds. I was chewing gum.
  13. Re-read this post, then read some of your posts on the FIFA 11 thread. See where we get our ideas from? I have no idea why you'd have an agenda, but it really does seem like you do have one.
  14. Bentley

    F1 2010

    Just bought it on the PS3 with a steering wheel and brakes. What difficulty should I play it on? I want it to be challenging fun without being impossible.
  15. To be fair, FIFA10 was easy to score with anyway. Run in the middle. Chipped through ball. Chip/Place the ball past the keeper. I'm not saying FIFA is a bad game, but I think people are quite far off the mark when they say that it's can't get any better.
  16. All of my friends insist that Tim Robbins character didn't get raped by the 'Sisters' while in prison. Am I the only one who's pretty sure he did?
  17. I finally scored. It was a cracker. I'm going to put a controversial opinion out there. From the impressions of the demos, PES will be better against the computer, FIFA will always triumph when you play against mates, or randomers online.
  18. They've made it literally impossible to score on 'hard' difficulty, I lived and breathed FIFA10 and WC2010, so I know how to play, but the lack of runs by the players team strikers and the opposition defenders having ridiculous pace on the other team, I haven't scored in about 10 tries on the demo. Then if I drop it down to 'medium' difficulty, it becomes too easy to score, opposition defenders part like the Red Sea. For ****s sake.
  19. Scott Pilgrim vs The World - 2/10. And I'm nerdish. So no-one can say I didn't get the references or 'humour'. Dreadful film. Michael Cera has to be one of the most wooden actors I've ever seen. I don't care if it's his 'style'. It DIRELY needed an better editor. Only thing that was good about the film was the visual style. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - 8/10 Now, this is how you make a film. Watched on Blu-ray the other night, the animation is wonderfully designed, haven't got 'A-list' names providing the voices, they have got people who can actually provide good voices. The jokes are wonderful. Really, really worth a watch.
  20. My initial kneejerk reaction with the team is Dawson, he seems the definition of & in the England shirt from what I've seen. Jagielka seems good enough however.
  21. Dear God, if this is the list for the 00s, what a **** decade it's been. The Suburbs has to be the most disappointing album of 2010. Arcade Fire have been, so unbelievably bad since the incredible 'Funeral'.
  22. The first one was brilliant. Defined how to do FPS' on consoles since Goldeneye. I don't know how it's got away with simply re-packaging the same game with a different number next to it for about 6/7 years, however.
  23. Probably. It was Ronaldo to be fair.
  24. In other news, I scored a belter in Fifa WC2010 yesterday and shall now share it. http://www.easports.com/media/play/video/30918636
  25. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/sunsport_columnists/3092130/Tactics-dont-win-matches-says-Harry-Redknapp.html http://www.metro.co.uk/sport/football/837307-jermain-defoe-spurs-will-go-further-than-arsenal-in-champions-league So much talk, so little action. "Tactics don't win matches" :lol::lol::lol:
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