Gimps. After seeing this thread, I checked my e-mail to check if I had got in, sure enough I had got an e-mail from Football Superstars, only about ****ing Sheffield.
I signed up months ago too.
Oh good God, yes! It really is the best Television drama series ever made.
I've seen Band of Brothers, and it was better than that. Which I thought could never be topped.
Shame it's over now
Tonight: Went to the Pilgrim House, wasn't bad, they had nice prices on stuff since it was 08/08/08 and Bejing opened the Olylimpics.
Saturday: Doing some waiter work at a wedding for abit of money. Then off to The Fox and The Hound
Sunday: Packing for holiday on Monday.
BWP: "I'm arresting you!"
Surman: "Your not a police man Bradley."
BWP: "It's a citizens arrest!"
Surman: "Well, I'll shoot you then! Bang!"
BWP: "I'm wearing a bulletproof vest!"
Surman: "Well I'm going for a headshot! Bang!"
BWP: "I'm the Terminator!"
Surman: "I've got your kids Bradley. I've got your kids."