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Everything posted by Bentley

  1. Bentley


    Glad to see you got over your hate of Sony. Oh wait...
  2. Any answer which isn't Be Broadband for being the best, is wrong.
  3. I can't believe that any of you are this stupid, to take this seriously. Reading through this thread gives me the impression like some foreign enemy has come into our country and is in Buckingham Palace now demanding the Queen make a curry for them. When was the last time you actually heard one of these laws go through? You can still say 'brainstorm' without offending epiletics. You can still see Christmas trees in West Quay. You will still be able to say what your nationality is. It's all controversial mongering media like the Mail which reports this stuff, and people like them help stem bigger racial boundries between us.
  4. I'm reading "The Great Gatsby" by F Scott Fitzgerald.
  5. Did it die of an epileptic fit? If it did, it would undoubtably be a **** cat.
  6. Gears of War 2 and LittleBigPlanet both have 95. When will someone top GTA4s?
  7. Anyway to not have it full screen?
  8. Gah, still waiting for LBP to be posted. 3 more days but hoping I will get it earlier... Seeing it's got 96 on Metacritic hasn't ****ing helped one bit! http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps3/littlebigplanet
  9. You're right, trust me to not notice he wrote something underneath!
  10. Quite a nerdy spot, but I can tell you he hasn't got it on the PS3, as the blue 'X' in the first screen would tell you it's a 360 shot.
  11. I wonder who will take up Russell Brand's Radio 2 slot? Why not get the tabloid press to decide? They seem to be dictating BBC policy now.
  12. If I remember correctly, his email is; Ihatejews1939@Gmail.com
  13. Internet. Serious ****ing business.
  14. Erm, yes, I did just say they over-exaggerated. It's a school for Christs sake. Any "witnesses" they interviewed were probably kids, and kids don't let their imaginations run off away with themselves, do they?
  15. The Dark Knight.
  16. LittleBigPlanet got given 10/10 by them!
  17. Classic exaggeration by The Echo! I know someone who works there as a teacher and all that happened was that a group of kids wanted some demands of a refurbished swimming pool, snooker table and cheaper food in the cafeteria. Since these are a bit expense demands, they were turned down. So those kids decided to go on strike at a specific time. About 30 "troublemaker" kids got ear of this, and took it in their own hands to rebel. They marched around the hallways just making noise by banging bits of wood together. They then broke a single window and got stopped by teachers. The fact that the school didn't even call the police, and that they were showing a couple around who at the end of it said they will send their kid there because of the way that the teachers handled the situation says it all really. Just plain over exaggeration.
  18. Do you mean 'Empire Earth III'? There's not really much advice you can give to every RTS game, unfortunately. Each is different, just play the tutorials and campaigns and see how you go.
  19. Hmm. Then I will get these games in this order 1. Fable 2 (****ing hell, talk about waiting for decent games then get the choice of 3 at once) 2. LittleBigPlanet (Comes out same day as Fallout 3 because of a week delay removing quran texts!) 2. Fallout 3 3. Gears of War 2 4. Mirror's Edge 5. Left 4 Dead 6. Resistance 2 Guarenteed I will probably get only half of these new from the shops. The dark side of my mate is calling me over to grab Fallout 3 or Far Cry 2 for the pc off him, pirate wise. I will resist with all my might hopefully!
  20. Someone apart from me played these? They were pretty damn good!
  21. Would the BBC secret game or Team Ico game please stand up...
  22. I'd join the PS3 league as an RW. My ID is Connor_D, but can't someone make a proper thread so this is a little less scrambled?
  23. That's because it's a neat bit of hackers delight. They don't need to buy the games!
  24. Buying this in about an hour! Can't wait.
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