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Everything posted by Ice2Eskimos

  1. Er..no it ain't the first time. You said it the day I joined. You said it the other day aswell. Right ok.. What makes you think I'm this person..besides the "troll" links...
  2. Well what do you think he's worth then?...
  3. You are right but spurs are pretty ruthless at WHL and I can't see 3pts..hope I'm wrong but...
  4. Oh **** off you ****s. I straight up don't know who that is.
  5. Listen mate. This is like the 10 bazzilionth time you've come up me behind saying that. If you think i'm this "glasgow" whoever the f*ck that is you're mistaken & sorry to disappoint.
  6. Look at what?...I'm completely lost on that comment.
  7. Honestly, I'd rather Chelsea put them to bed tonight because we'll get battered at White Hart Lane. Obviously hope we don't but the reality is we're gonna get plowed as will most up there.
  8. Lol. Some of the posters on here can't handle an opinion. If they were on RAWK or FightingCock they'd be suicidal and that's not even once the REAL trolls get going lol. Because every single poster on those boards are a lot worse than me for brutally honest comments and opinions. Makes me look like f*king bo-peep. Honestly, soft as sh*te some on here. Someone called for me to get banned because I said Callum Chambers wasn't worth £16M lmfao. (that's just one example btw) But you know....
  9. No. But when I'm being called a Troll and calling for my head I am at the point of wondering if I dumped a barrowload of horsesh*t on peoples lawns and forgot about it.
  10. In case you haven't noticed I'm not massively popular. Can't help but wonder if it's a "if the face fits" kind of thing because I notice.. If I say something I'm "a Troll". Somebody else with X thousand posts says more or less the EXACT same thing it's "oh you have a point there". I know I'm the new guy but f*ck me it's right proper 2 faced sometimes. $0.02 **Awaits the stoning and/or public flogging.
  11. WTF? This forum is soft as sh*te. Honestly. This is just convo. Lol..try RAWK or FightingCock you'd be in tears and that's not even the REAL trolls. Note to admin: If you want to ban me by all means ban me but F*king hell lmao.
  12. I've got to be honest. When Arsenal coughed up £16M for him I was surprised. I didn't think he was worth that. The fact he's English probably pushed that fee but on footballing ability alone he wasn't and isn't worth what Arsenal paid.
  13. Is this guy not a complete sh*thouse?.. Cheats on his wife with his brothers wife for 8 years in itself is deserving of a right smashing. If you're gonna cheat, cheat, but family is out of the question. And now he's at again behind his wife's back with a hotel stick insect. Hope his wife takes him to the cleaners I really do.
  14. Mate you're f*king boring. Following me around threads..do have a word.
  15. He was sh*te when we had him and he's still sh*te now. Have you seen the performances he's put in for Arsenal. The word "liability" springs to mind. Either one of Soares/Martina are better than him.
  16. Eh?....How?... I think this season has been decent, but what are you classing as success?..the last Trophy we won was in 1976 and that is defo not in my lifetime. Just sayin...
  17. Come back stronger..or shop window football?...
  18. Right.. Just **supposing** Liverpool came in for Mane. It's been rumoured. Now.. I would rather he didn't go there BUT if it was to be considered..who would be adverse to taking Jordan Ibe in P/x?... I mean..£25M cash + Ibe. I'm valuing Ibe at somewhere between £10 and £15M Ibe's wages wouldn't be too drastic either....
  19. Lol I remember when spurs offered us Kane in a p/x for Schneiderlin. It was before Kane started scoring and couldn't hit a barn door. In hindsight, not sure if I'd preferred us to have done that deal now..probably not though, because we'd probably have sold Kane already to the highest bidder anyway.
  20. Not too concerned about any of that because it stops teams playing and breaks play. I'm more concerned about his tendancy to get caught out of position, off camera I've seen VVD absolutely screaming at him a few times about it.
  21. Haaaa oops. No f** given either buttercup.
  22. After today's performance absolutely no f*cks given for me.
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