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Everything posted by Ice2Eskimos

  1. Usually I would 100% agree with that. But I'm pretty sure that the Day Newcastle was confirmed SkySports Twitter (or one of their accounts) Tweeted it or re-tweeted it. (it defo wasn't a parody account.) Then that was spreaded by a few pundits then all over the place. So in this instance it might have been true. Someone on here posted it a few weeks back and I think that came from a big sports proper website. I'm sure there was a link to the website with the actual quote. Obviously, I have no idea if he actually DID say it or not or where the thing originated from.
  2. I've never rated Colback in footballing terms. I think he's cr*p. But above all. I REALLY don't like a player who comes out with this sort of thing, regardless what club it is, saints or not. He said this about the Club that gave him the opportunity and the club he grew up with. He strikes me as a bit of tw*t.
  3. LOLOL. I know this is an old thread..but I loved that game. (bolded). And Wipeout..bloody hell lol.
  4. Using MOTD as a BBC Hate Campaign..is a bit retarded. MOTD usually bigs us up a fair bit on there. Especially Lineker. At least that's the impression I get. We might not be shown 1st on MOTD but that ain't exactly symbolic of the "BBC" as an organisation hating us imo. Certain Sky Sports Commentators on the other hand...
  5. He scores goals from Midfield quite freely. Needed. Not sure if I'd take him though.
  6. Now this dude really is on a f*ng wind up. If anyone wants to know what a windup looks like THIS IS IT. Colback?.... Clarke?..As in Kieron Clarke??...Have you seen that show of sh*t this season?..he's worse than Micah Richards. Grealish?..most ovverated pile of dung..actually I can't even think. You're on a windup proper. Haha P.s I'll give you Tiote though. Edit: hope this isn't THE Le tiss..if so..apologies sir.
  7. I mean't outfield player which was generally the rule. Was a bit weird that one though because you can't be offside from a throw in. (not sure if that is still the case actually)
  8. That's nothing mate. I've already been threatened to have my head kicked in... I've been asked if "I like soup"... (lol) I've been called a "Troll" "c*nt"..."pr*ck" "Fanny" "Fish Fondler" (that one was funny though). ."portsmouth Fan".. "special needs" "Bournemouth fan"... "Glasgow Rangers Fan" (a million times) And you're in a tizz over "loon"?.. Jesus did weep...I'll swap ya....
  9. OFF TOPIC: It's just dawned on me that when people say that it really means "you're a f'ng idiot". I've had that said to me that I'm special a few times by various people recently..and I thought "Wow Really?" ahaha. Sorry carry on...
  10. I got slaughtered for suggesting Tiote. Glad I'm not the only one who rates him. He puts in tackles..something that if Wanyama goes we don't have. (Possibly Romeu). As for Walcott..he's on like £150K per week ain't he?... And for that money we could find 2 or 3 Black Box players for that.
  11. +1. Agreed. And also bit unrelated but.. Jason Puncheon has never represented England at any level including youth. Unrelated but I was surprised by that.
  12. I can't find the quote who said it above but defoe hasn't been picked probs for the same reason Baines didn't. Woy said he didn't pick Baines because he hasn't played for England for over a year. (Bertrand is better anyway). So that kind of means he couldn't put defoe in, he'd have been torn apart if he did. Still stands to reason I'd have put Defoe in over Rooney all day long. Hodgson just doesn't have the balls to drop Rooney. No idea why either. But there you go.
  13. I really wish they would just bring back the old offside rule. If the player is behind the last man when the ball is played..he's offside. No matter what or where.
  14. I think I'm reasonably safe saying this but.. sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! /tin hat on.
  15. It's been tried many, many times. Developers have been all over that for years.
  16. Nathan Dyer wasn't a defector. . I knew Nathan quite well. The Bradly Wright-Phillips incident where Bradley basically hung Nathan out to dry RE: those Barmaids theft incident. Was basically a LOT to do with why Nathan left. Bradley dropped Nathan right in it. Not a deflector at all.
  17. Don't you DARE say anything bad about Pelle!!!
  18. You're correct. It is. As per my post a few posts up. The council wouldn't approve it in a million years. Businesses would definitely oppose it. LOADS of people are employed in that area and that will trump a new Stadium all day long. Unless SFC wanna foot the redundancies because the whole area is shut off while it's happening and businesses can't keep people on.
  19. Ok well I didn't read it like that. It depends where it was being built. If it was staying in St Mary's the name wouldn't change but I couldn't and still can't for the life of me see how that's gonna work. There just isn't that sort of space. Businesses rely on that road. I should know, my Dad owns a business right on it. You can throw a stone at St Marys Stadium. I really wasn't trolling, despite what "trousers" is implying. Genuine convo. Apologize though.
  20. Klopp has way more class than do that. Klopp probably has a list as long as my arm with his own players. rodgers would do it because he was an unimaginitive moron who was clueless about how to build a team. And anyway.. Lallana would be more likely to do the whispering. imho.
  21. Stones, Wilshere, Delph? Jesus wept. Stones in particular has been awful ever since the Barca links. Wilshere has hardly kicked a ball all season. Predictable that woy would pick him though. On the fence about Barkley being in there as well. He's been average at best all season. The fact we have 3 CB's..I'd have to ASS-ume Smalling and/or Cahill are the starters.
  22. Nope. It was called conversation..but everything I say is deemed troll-bait. He didn't actually say it was redevelopment in his post..so pray-tell how exactly was I supposed to know that?... And the "he" in inverted commas..am I supposed to be a woman as well now?.... That escalated quickly!
  23. Tbf..if I'd known people were going to take as badly as theyn have on this thread..as if I'd just called their mother a whore or something, I wouldn't have said it. It was just an observation. Doh!
  24. Exactly. They're just keyboard warrior trolls dude.
  25. Yeah it was probably me haha. Anyway..goodnight people.
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