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Everything posted by fez

  1. fez

    Saints on TV

    Burnley, West Ham?
  2. He smokes when he wants to. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/1577968/watford-players-stunned-as-new-boss-walter-mazzarri-smokes-in-dressing-room/
  3. Because we're going to the Europa final and winning a domestic cup
  4. East meets West at Southampton.
  5. Zaza https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/BA15F059241094744628097339392_23f6c737e4f.0.4.5846818678816900021.mp4?versionId=YBPdKxzu5aame0A7M5FG1x3pvU3aeVj7
  6. Good point. If Brexit crashes the pound, the job won't look so attractive to a continental European. Or we'll have to pay him more to compensate
  7. Still just better than evens on Betfair
  8. Curiously the only thing he has not done so well this past season is play superbly for his national team. Looks much less assured with Holland
  9. That's what it says here http://www.repubblica.it/sport/calcio/serie-a/lazio/2016/06/08/news/lazio_trattativa_con_bielsa_de_boer_dice_no-141557271/?ref=search
  10. I completely agree, though Jim Steele says in the Echo: "I've spoken to people who are already talking about returning their season tickets. Like me they're really upset." See the end of this piece: http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/14538609.Steele_fears_Saints_exodus________to_Everton/?ref=rss I haven't heard of anyone thinking about returning their season tickets. They're waiting to see who is appointed.
  11. Agreed. But try hard for 5, if that's not acceptable go for 3.
  12. Whoever we get, let's give him a five-year contract, so that we're not in the same position in two years time with (say) Eddie if he's doing well as we are with Ron now. If it doesn't work out, we'll just have to pay him more compensation to get rid.
  13. Yes of course. But that doesn't mean that we'll let vvd go, just after signing a longer contract
  14. If he goes, expect the club to dig in its heels even harder to stop an exodus of players to any other clubs. Only Vic will be allowed to leave (and Juanmi).
  15. Now we only have to draw this afternoon to overtake Liverpool and go 7th on goal difference
  16. Why should happiness and solidarity among the players be affected by a newspaper story? Would an otherwise contented player read the MoS and say 'Oh dear, I see there's discontent in the squad, I'm going to join the unrest'?
  17. No he hasn't. He's gone for a 1-1 draw - which I agree with. http://www.skysports.com/football/news/15205/10223886/paul-mersons-predictions-man-utd-v-everton-liverpool-v-tottenham-and-leicester-v-southampton
  18. Pretty amazing, they had 21 shots -- 11 on target -- and thanks to FF we kept a clean sheet
  19. Of course. But the question was: if we're going to lose one, which one?
  20. I'd rather beat Arsenal and West Ham and lose to Swansea.
  21. Tues 17 May http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/20160129-announcement-southampton-kelvin-davis-testimonial-2926822.aspx
  22. These two links are the two extremes of reaction. The first (joking) is correct: http://www.anorak.co.uk/427712/back-pages/transfer-balls-koeman-jokes-about-managing-chelsea-and-the-tabloids-take-it-as-fact.html/? http://playingfor90.com/2016/01/23/southampton-should-fire-ronald-koeman-over-chelsea-comments/?
  23. Yes he meant that Charlie is as fit as the rest of the squad, not fitter than them. Incidentally "Normally" is one word Ronald constantly misuses (and my nonexistent Dutch or any other non-English language leaves me in no position to complain). As in "Normally he will be part of the team for this Saturday".
  24. Yes - and we're not on BT or Sky
  25. fez

    Injury Watch

    Well that Mane injury story was a false alarm. He not only played but scored against Madagascar. http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/matches/round=276420/match=300338626/index.html
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