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  1. AllSorts

    Injury Watch

    He’s back running. Still a long way back. Worst cruciate the club has seen.
  2. You don’t understand. Teams at Southampton are not picked simply because of talent. They are also picked because of player status and power. The players who are internationals with the threat of play me or else I will get my agent to move me get picked unless they have been really crap for a while. Then there are also manager favourites. No manager at Southampton level is going naff off players that have clout. I suspect Puel tried and the ‘powerful’ players got him removed. An international with an attitude has to play really crap before they are dropped. Internationals that are ‘nice’ get dropped first. All IMHO of course. When any of those young guns you mention have played in premiership games, how many have let the side down and been at fault for goals against it looked out of place more than the regulars that get blasted on here every week? Seriously many of you on here have no idea if the ‘politics’ in player management and picking a team gat happens at this level.
  3. Pretty Sickly Grin there in the photos. Is that a clue.
  4. Not if said club only wanted a loan.
  5. Daily echo says Hughes will play him v Burnley despite being away till now. Anyone suspect it wasn’t a poorly tummy (couldn’t keep up his fitness if it was) and instead was maybe a tantrum cos there had been an offer and Saints turned it down?
  6. Concrete would be club reporting it I guess yes? They won’t do that. However, be assured Boufal refused to warm up to get ready to be subbed on so they sent out Sims instead. This led to an incident in the dressing room as stated. His ego has got the better of him. Doubt he will play again this season.
  7. Err no he wasn’t
  8. Hmmm!
  9. is the Saints website down?
  10. I can verify this bit is correct.
  11. Jumping to conclusions. McQueen has been suffering with a groin strain since last Friday.
  12. It’s nowt to do with formation tactics or even ability that is causing this malaise. It’s lack of motivational leaders on and off the pitch. Ex pros like Danny. When Jason Dodds coached the team played with heart. These kids are over coached and under encouraged.
  13. Southampton are bound to have wage cuts for going down the leagues for all contracts.
  14. Played with a chest infection v Man Utd but basically nothing. Not a happy bunny I suspect after his stirling performance v the Manc’s.
  15. Rumour has it he has a bad back and is giving up coaching for a while.
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