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Everything posted by SaintDonkey

  1. For me positioning at a football match generally means making sure I get to the bottom of the stairs when the ref blows for half time so I can get a pint without missing any of the game. I shall just concerntrate on the shouting - maybe I can defend by intimidation alone
  2. On a serious note anyone got any tips on getting match fit? I'm in a reasonable shape for a *cough* 39 year old (10k in about 50 minutes) but the stop start of a football match is something else entirely.
  3. Actually cancel that - just got an email from the ticket office saying they are allocating as they go along so I was over estimating their competancy!
  4. Surely this has been covered already? The ticket office are doing the seat allocation at the end of the third period of sales, this mean that if say a season ticket holder + guest + mate who attended the area final + other mate on the database can all get seats together. Otherwise they would all be buying tickets at different times and could end up spread all over the place. Seems a quite sensible policy to me!
  5. But should we be working on our stamina for during the game or for the post match drinks?
  6. After Puncheon's rave reviews for the Norwich game I'd rather not move him from that wing. Lallana tends to drift inside anyway so... I'd forgotten about James - I was also assuming he was injured. If he's fit I'd have him straight in for Morgan.
  7. Assuming the Morgan injured story isn't just blowing smoke who do you think should replace him? Wotton seems the obvious candidate but rather a negative replacement. What about Holmes down the left with Lallana coming inside?
  8. Saints 7-1, Brentford ahead of us in both the actual and form tables 66-1 Either the bookies know something we don't or people have been punting a lot of money on Saints to go up!
  9. Centreback for the second half? That'll do me - hopefully Steve will be knackered by then and I can have a quiet time of it Really looking forwards to this - time to start some proper training!
  10. Booked 2 no problem - now just have to hope I can get a third when they go on gernal sale close to the first 2! I note that one block has already sold out.
  11. 1. They've looked good but not been scoring enough goals (don't get me wrong Papa is one of my favorite players - I just think we're missing the more potent goal threat of DC). 2. They don't exactly play off each other in a partnership but are more 2 constant roving goal threats.
  12. We really need Connolly back - he's the only striking partner to Rickie who's 'worked' in a 4-4-2 this season. They're not an ideal partnership but they were scoring goals together.
  13. It'll never happen, but if it did we would obviously go on to win the cup
  14. 4 months to get fit enough to run around for 45 minutes (and maybe occasionally kick a ball). It's going to be a tough challenge but what needs must!
  15. No idea whether we can reach the play offs - but isn't it fun to be looking at the predicter to see if we can rather than to see if we can avoid relegation
  16. Arse - I has hoping for 3 tickets per season ticket holder. Now I've got to choose between my mate and my brother as to which I sit with!
  17. [edit]really should read the initial post[/edit]
  18. Reminds me of the father of a friend of mine. An Arsenal fan not blessed with sons he named his two daughters 'Charlotte' and 'Georgina'. His wife didn't realise what he'd done until 'Charlie' and 'George' pointed it out to her a couple of decades later when they worked it out themselves!
  19. There was a **** behind me on Sturday who spent the first 10 minutes of the game shouting abuse at Lloyd James, eventually someone must have had a word with him and pointed out that he wasn't actually playing He then switched targets to Mills (some perhaps deserved, he didn't have the best of games) and Papa when he came on (totally undeserved but he shut up again when he scored).
  20. I'll be on a plane - why couldn't they have shifted it to the Sunday
  21. I'd like to see Gillett back, a Wotton, Scheiderlinn central midfield is just too static.
  22. I've experienced it at the Allianz Arena for an 1860 match and when the majority of fans are used to it it works beautifully. I agree for one off events like England matches where people don't know the system, and don't want to put too much on the card, it's a nightmare, but the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Now if we can persuade people to decide what they want before they get to the front of the queue we might actually be able to get a pint at half time without missing any of the match!
  23. Why couldn't they move it to the Sunday? 12:30 on the 13th I'll be on a sodding plane, gutted
  24. This childish squabble is doing nothing but embarassing the Echo and Southampton FC. I pray that they stop before the wider media picks up on it and we become a laughing stock once more.
  25. Always buy programme from the same seller until a defeat (got through a lot of sellers last season!), walk clockwise round the stadium to get to my gate, patting ted's back foot as I pass. Have to have a pint and a burger in the ground before I go to my seat (even if it means I miss kick off). And new for this season - have to send at least one 'tweet' per match even though I feel a fool for fiddling with my phone during the game.
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