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Thomas Lewis Dave

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Everything posted by Thomas Lewis Dave

  1. Tom28 deleted VVD posts? he's off
  2. I really miss Freya putting snaps of Corky and Alfs on Instagram. Jay Rod's pics with Vera & Morrissey arent quite of the same calibre - still quality pets though. Does anyone remember the name of Lallana's dog?
  3. Anyone know whether Sadio has any pets? Heard a rumour he wants to get a dog to be mates with Juanmi's dog (Gala)
  4. Absolutely clueless. How many games have you actually seen this season? For me, Tadic is the best out and out wide man in the Premier League at the moment and I fear we wont see him in a Saints shirt next year. I am a big fan of Davo but he would never have produced the assist for Pelle's goal. Davis has a great engine but when push comes to shove its gotta be Dusan starting.
  5. Get him on the banner!!!
  6. Obviously was a cross, Willian looked as surprised as anyone when it went in. Stek positioning was poor. Would not have conceded had FF been on the field
  7. Forster would have saved Willian's freak goal. FF for me every day, class act.
  8. Hello, first post! I've had an ST since 2002 and Virgil for me is a more complete player than Toby and Killer - I know its early days and he is playing in a better team than Svensson but he has no weaknesses and will only get better the longer he has to settle. I was thinking during the Swansea game if only we had managed to get both TA + VvD, would be the perfect CB pairing. A clean sheet against Leicester and I am sure he will silence his doubters on here.
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